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Version: 2.7

Add EKS clusters using kubeconfig


Add the cluster to Portworx Backup

  1. In the home page, from the left navigation pane, click Clusters.

  2. At the upper-right corner, click Connect cluster:

    Connect cluster

  3. In the Add Cluster page, under Select Kubernetes Platform, click Others icon and then enter the following cluster details:

Add EKS cluster

  • Cluster name: enter a name for your cluster

  • Kubeconfig: retrieve the Kubeconfig from your cluster and paste it in this field or click Browse to upload the config from a file

  • Kubernetes Service: choose EKS

  1. Choose the AWS cloud account (you have added earlier) from the drop-down list.

  2. Click Add cluster.

Portworx Backup adds your EKS cluster and displays the newly added cluster in the Clusters page.

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