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Version: 2.8

Install prerequisites

Hardware requirements

The minimum supported size for the Portworx Backup cluster is three worker nodes. Each node must meet the following hardware, software, and network requirements:

Hardware Requirements
Upto 2,000 backups
CPU 4 CPU cores minimum (8 recommended)
RAM4 Gi (8 Gi recommended)
Storage space required for PVC creation506 Gi (In Total)
2,000 to 10,000 backups
CPU 8 CPU cores
Storage space required for PVC creation506 Gi (In Total)
10,000 to 15,000 backups
CPU 8 CPU cores
RAM16 Gi
Storage space required for PVC creation506 Gi (In Total)
Upto 75,000 backups
CPU 32 CPU cores per node
RAM32 Gi
Storage space required for PVC creation506 Gi (In Total)

You can change the Prometheus PVC size from 5 Gi (default size) to 10 Gi or more based on your needs.

Software requirements

Software requirements
Operating System
  • x86-64 based Linux distros supported by your storage provider
  • RHEL: PXB supports other variants like OpenShift distros but not Vanilla Kubernetes.
    Note: PXB is yet to support Oracle linux and SLE Micro Linux Distros.
On-premises Kubernetes
  • Vanilla: 1.31.x, 1.30.x, 1.29.x
  • Red Hat OpenShift: 4.17.x, 4.16.x, 4.15.x
  • RKE2 with Rancher: v2.10 with k8s v1.31, v2.9.4 with k8sv1.30.6
  • TKGi: 1.29.x
  • TKGs: v1.30.1, v1.25.13
  • Charmed Kubernetes: 1.31.x, 1.30.x, 1.29.x
    Note: PXB is yet to support KOPS, Mirantis, and Bare Metal Kubernetes.
Managed Kubernetes
  • AKS: 1.31.1, 1.30.5, 1.29.x
  • ARO: 4.14.16, 4.15.27
  • Anthos: 1.28.x, 1.27.x
  • EKS: 1.30.x, 1.29.x, 1.28.x
  • IKS: 1.31.x, 1.30.x, 1.29.x
  • GKE: 1.30.x, 1.29.x, 1.28.x
  • ROKS: 4.17.x, 4.16.x, 4.15.x
  • ROSA: 4.15.x
    Note: PXB is yet to support OKE (Oracle Kubernetes Engine) and Mirantis Kubernetes (Mirantis Container Cloud).
  • 2.53.0
  • 2.48.0
  • 2.45.0
Prometheus Operator
  • 0.75.0
  • 0.26.0
  • 0.25.0
  • 0.24.0
  • 1.0.0
  • 25.1.0
  • 3.2.0
  • 3.1.4
  • 3.1.3
  • At least 50 GB of free space on the /root file system nodes where Portworx is going to be installed
A block-based provisioner
  • At least 307 GB of free space to host the PVCs deployed by databases used by Portworx Backup
External Auth Providers
  • External OIDC and LDAP based Auth providers
  • 6.6.10
  • 6.6.8
  • 6.5.8
  • 6.5.7
  • 4.4.2
  • 3.3.1
  • If you are using an external authorization provider, you must use certificates signed by a trusted certificate authority.

  • Make sure helm is installed on the client machine: Helm

KDMP backup prerequisites

If you need to initiate KDMP or cross-cloud backups, ensure that you allocate additional buffer storage that is double the size of the original Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) in your application cluster. This buffer ensures that there is sufficient storage allocation for data changes, snapshots, or temporary data generated during the backup process.

Prometheus prerequisites

If you have your own Prometheus installed cluster-wide, ensure that it does not reconcile with the Portworx Backup Prometheus in px-backup namespace.

When Prometheus and Alertmanager are in CrashLoopBackOff state, ensure the that the global or cluster wide Prometheus Operator does not interfere with the Prometheus and Alertmanager instances in px-backup namespace. If so, modify the cluster-wide Prometheus operator to exclude the namespace where the Portworx Backup Prometheus stack is installed.

Add the following entry under spec.template.spec.containers[0].args in the cluster-wide Prometheus Operator spec to resolve conflicts if any:


Alternatively, you can also set the scope of the cluster-wide Prometheus to defined namespace using the below parameter:

-- namespaces = <namespace where cluster-wide prometheus is installed>

Portworx Backup 2.3.0 and above use MongoDB 5.x versions internally, which require Intel/AMD Chipsets that support Advance Vector Extensions (AVX). If you are deploying Portworx Backup 2.3.0 and above, please ensure that your Intel/AMD Chipset versions support AVX.

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