Scale Portworx Backup components
You can scale Portworx Backup components based on your requirements when needed. Portworx by PureStorage recommends scaling the deployments before scaling the stateful sets.
Commands in the below sections guide you to achieve the purpose. You can either run these commands one after the other in the order of your preference or execute the below commands in one go to scale up or scale down the Portworx Backup components. Ensure that you scale up/down deployments first and then the stateful sets.
Scale down Portworx Backup components
To scale down the Portworx Backup components:
kubectl -n central scale deploy px-backup --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale deploy pxcentral-apiserver --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale deploy pxcentral-backend --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale deploy pxcentral-frontend --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale deploy pxcentral-lh-middleware --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale sts pxc-backup-mongodb --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale sts pxcentral-keycloak --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale sts pxcentral-keycloak-postgresql --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale sts pxcentral-mysql --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale deploy prometheus-operator --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale sts prometheus-px-backup-dashboard-prometheus --replicas=0
kubectl -n central scale sts lertmanager-px-backup-alertmanager --replicas=0
Scale up Portworx Backup components
To scale up the Portworx Backup components later:
kubectl -n central scale deploy px-backup --replicas=1
kubectl -n central scale deploy pxcentral-apiserver --replicas=1
kubectl -n central scale deploy pxcentral-backend --replicas=1
kubectl -n central scale deploy pxcentral-frontend --replicas=1
kubectl -n central scale deploy pxcentral-lh-middleware --replicas=1
kubectl -n central scale sts pxc-backup-mongodb --replicas=3
kubectl -n central scale sts pxcentral-keycloak --replicas=1
kubectl -n central scale sts pxcentral-keycloak-postgresql --replicas=1
kubectl -n central scale sts pxcentral-mysql --replicas=1
kubectl -n central scale deploy prometheus-operator --replicas=1
kubectl -n central scale sts prometheus-px-backup-dashboard-prometheus --replicas=2
kubectl -n central scale sts alertmanager-px-backup-alertmanager --replicas=2