The following topics explain different backup types that you can perform using Portworx Backup.
Once you have defined the necessary backup rules and schedule policies, you can create manual or scheduled backups for namespaces or virtual machines (VMs) using Kubernetes Data Management Platform (KDMP) or CSI (Container Storage Interface) drivers. These backups can be stored on any object store (S3 and others) or NFS share backup locations.
NFS-based backup location supports generic, manual, and scheduled backups.
Starting from Portworx Backup version 2.6.0, users cannot take a backup of
namespace and the namespace where Portworx is installed for any of the cluster environments that Portworx Backup currently supports. -
Ensure that the cluster is in active and not in disconnected status before creating a backup of your application data.
To restore local snapshots backed up by parallel schedules, please contact Pure Storage support.
Following topics take you through the steps for creating various types backups supported by Portworx Backup:
📄️ Create a manual backup
This topic provides instructions for creating a manual backup using Portworx Backup. A manual backup is a one-time backup that is created without a schedule policy. It explains how to back up namespaces or virtual machines (VMs) and store them on object stores like S3 or NFS. The guide covers options like cross-cloud backup, snapshot class mapping, and applying pre-exec and post-exec rules. It also addresses handling backups with large resources and partial success scenarios, ensuring reliable backup and recovery for Kubernetes applications.
📄️ Create a scheduled backup
This topic provides instructions for creating a scheduled backup using Portworx Backup. It explains how to back up namespaces or virtual machines (VMs) at specified intervals, allowing for automated backup creation. Users can configure the backup location, apply cross-cloud backup settings, map volume snapshot classes, and define pre-exec and post-exec rules. The topic also covers associating a schedule policy, enabling regular backups on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and adding backup labels for easier management and searchability.
📄️ Create a cross cloud backup
This topic provides instructions for creating a cross cloud backup using Portworx Backup and the KDMP driver. It explains how to back up namespaces or VMs across different cloud environments and restore them in another cloud. The guide covers manual and scheduled backups, including how to map storage provisioners to volume snapshot classes, apply pre-exec and post-exec rules, and add labels for easier management. It also provides details on selecting backup locations and associating schedule policies to automate backups.
📄️ Create a CSI backup
This topic provides instructions for creating a CSI backup using Portworx Backup, which allows users to create application-aware CSI snapshots and offload them to object store or NFS-based backup locations. The guide explains how to configure backup locations, map volume snapshot classes (VSC) to storage provisioners, and use pre-exec and post-exec rules for backup automation. It also covers manual and scheduled backups, and addresses handling CSI snapshots with Portworx and non-Portworx provisioners to ensure secure, compliant, and reliable data protection for Kubernetes applications.
📄️ Create object lock enabled manual backup
This topic provides instructions on how to configure an object lock enabled manual backup in Portworx Backup for securing data in S3-compliant object stores. Object lock ensures that data cannot be modified or deleted during a defined retention period, offering protection from ransomware attacks and unauthorized changes. The guide explains how to set retention modes (governance and compliance) and configure backups, as well as the necessary permissions and configurations required for object lock. This feature is useful for ensuring long-term data protection and compliance in Kubernetes environments.
📄️ Create object lock enabled scheduled backup
This topic provides instructions on how to create an object lock enabled scheduled backup in Portworx Backup for securing data in S3-compliant object stores. It explains how to configure a scheduled backup with retention settings, mapping storage provisioners to volume snapshot classes, and applying pre-exec and post-exec rules. The topic also covers updating object lock enabled backups, including adding or deleting labels to filter backups for better management and protection from unauthorized changes during the retention period.
📄️ Back up on NFS shares
This topic explains how to back up application data to Network File System (NFS) shares using Portworx Backup. It covers the prerequisites for configuring an NFS server, including enabling read and write permissions and ensuring communication through port 2049. The guide provides a sample NFS server configuration and details the steps for creating backups on NFS shares, which can be used for generic, manual, and scheduled backups. It also includes related information on restoring data from NFS backup locations.
📄️ Back up Virtual Machines
Learn how to back up and restore KubeVirt VMs using Portworx Backup. This guide provides detailed steps for creating VM backups, configuring backup locations, and using pre-exec and post-exec rules.
📄️ Back up with large number of resources
This topic explains how to back up namespaces containing a large number of resources using Portworx Backup. It provides detailed steps for performing backups efficiently and handling complex applications with numerous Kubernetes resources without interruption. The topic also covers how to manage resource selection, handle backups when resource counts exceed 1000, and customize settings through ConfigMap parameters in the `kube-system` namespace to optimize the backup process for large resource environments.
📄️ Back up CRDs with operator
This topic provides instructions for backing up Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) across multiple groups using the `TRIM_CRD_GROUP_NAME` operator in the `kdmp-config` ConfigMap with Stork. It enables backing up CRDs that belong to the same operator but have different group names in Kubernetes. By configuring the `kdmp-config` map with the common group name, users can ensure that all relevant CRDs are included in the backup process for operator deployments.
📄️ Back up NFS shares
This topic explains how to back up NFS shares or NFS-based Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) to any S3-compliant storage or public cloud using Portworx Backup. The Kubernetes Data Management Platform (KDMP) driver facilitates file system-based backups and restores of NFS-based PVCs. In cases where the storage provider does not support native snapshots, Portworx Backup accesses the volume directly from its mounted path on the host using a Kubernetes host path volume, running backups within a privileged container.
🗃️ Back up stateful applications
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📄️ Delete backups
This topic explains how to handle the deletion of backups and their associated volumes content efficiently and concurrently. This functionality allows users to delete backups while ensuring dependencies, such as incremental backups, are managed correctly. - >- portworx backup concurrent deletion, parallel deletion backups portworx, backup deletion efficiency portworx, portworx early access concurrent deletion, stork installation portworx, portworx volume thread configuration, backup dependency management portworx, concurrent backup deletion portworx, px-backup configuration parameters