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Version: 3.2

Inspect Volumes

This document explains how you can get detailed information about the settings and the usage of your Portworx volumes. This can be used to investigate various aspects related to your Portworx cluster such as identifying bottlenecks or improving the overall performance.

Inspect a volume

To inspect a volume, run the pxctl volume inspect command with the name of the volume as a parameter. The following example shows replication and aggregation, and the volumes are named accordingly. Note that these commands are run from the worker nodes. You can also execute these commands from a computer that has access to the Kubernetes cluster using kubectl exec commands.

pxctl volume create vol-rep1-size4gi-agg2  -r 1  -s 4 -a 2
Volume successfully created: 1006031320660300176
pxctl volume create vol-rep2-size4gi  -r 2  -s 4
Volume successfully created: 153462940070253844

This example volume uses an aggregation set and has no replication:

pxctl volume inspect 1006031320660300176
Volume          	    :  1006031320660300176
Name : vol-rep1-size4gi-agg2
Size : 4.0 GiB
Format : ext4
HA : 1
IO Priority : LOW
Creation time : Oct 28 17:17:43 UTC 2022
Shared : no
Status : up
State : detached
Mount Options : discard
Reads : 0
Reads MS : 0
Bytes Read : 0
Writes : 0
Writes MS : 0
Bytes Written : 0
Discards : 0
Discards MS : 0
Bytes Discarded : 0
IOs in progress : 0
Bytes used : 2.1 MiB
Replica sets on nodes :
Set 0
Node : X.X.X.70
Pool UUID : <pool-UUID-1>
FA-Name : <FlashArray-name>
Drive ID : <drive-ID>
Drive Path : <drive-location>

Set 1
Node : X.X.X.71
Pool UUID : <pool-UUID-2>
FA-Name : <FlashArray-name>
Drive ID : <drive-ID>
Drive Path : <drive-location>
Replication Status : Detached

This example volume uses a replication factor of 2 and no aggregation:

pxctl volume inspect 153462940070253844
Volume          	    :  153462940070253844
Name : vol-rep2-size4gi
Size : 4.0 GiB
Format : ext4
HA : 2
IO Priority : LOW
Creation time : Oct 28 17:18:02 UTC 2022
Shared : no
Status : up
State : detached
Mount Options : discard
Reads : 0
Reads MS : 0
Bytes Read : 0
Writes : 0
Writes MS : 0
Bytes Written : 0
Discards : 0
Discards MS : 0
Bytes Discarded : 0
IOs in progress : 0
Bytes used : 2.1 MiB
Replica sets on nodes :
Set 0
Node : X.X.X.70
Pool UUID : <pool-UUID-1>
Datastore : <datastore-name>
Drive ID : <drive-ID>
Drive Path : <drive-path>
Node : X.X.X.71
Pool UUID : <pool-UUID-2>
Datastore : <datastore-name>
Drive ID : <drive-ID>
Drive Path : <drive-path>
Replication Status : Detached

By knowing what the fields mean, you can get a deeper insight into your volume's usage. For example:

  • Volume: represents the ID of the volume. Every time a new volume gets created, Portworx generates a unique ID and assigns it to the newly created volume.
  • Size: the size of the volume expressed in binary Gigabytes (GiB)
  • Format: the file system used to store data. Currently, Portworx supports xfs and ext4.
  • HA: represents the replication factor for the volume. As an example, if a volume has a replication factor of 3, it means the data is protected on 3 separate nodes.

You can set the replication factor while creating the volume by running the pxctl volume create command and passing it the --repl flag:

pxctl volume create testVol --repl=2

For applications that require node level availability and read parallelism across nodes, Portworx by Pure Storage recommends setting a replication factor of 2 or 3. Note that the maximum replication factor is 3.

You can also modify the replication factor of a volume by running the pxctl volume ha-update and passing it the following flags:

  • --repl with the new replication factor
  • --node with the ID(s) of the new node(s) to which the data will be replicated. Use a comma-separated list to specify more than one ID.

As an example, here's how you can update the replication factor of a volume called testVol:

pxctl volume ha-update --repl=3 --node xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0dc1c09781d8 testVol

See the updating volumes page for more details.

  • IO Priority: Portworx classifies disks into three different performance levels:

    • High
    • Medium,
    • Low.

    Then, it groups the volumes into separate pools. To run a low latency transactional workload like a database, create the volume with the --io_priority flag set to high as in the following example:

pxctl volume create --io_priority high volume-name

See the Storage pools page to get a better understanding of how performance levels work in Portworx. Additionally, note that Portworx provides an easy way to manage storage pools through the pxctl service pool command.

  • Creation time: indicates the creation date and time of the volume.
  • Shared: this field tells whether the volume is sharedv4 or not. A sharedv4 volume is available to multiple containers running on different hosts at the same time. See the sharedv4 volumes page for more details
  • Status: indicates the status of the volume. Possible values are Up and Pending. Up means that Portworx created the volume successfully. Pending means that Portworx currently creates the volume.
  • State: shows whether the volume is Attached or Detached. Attached means that the volume is attached to a node and you can perform read and write operations on the volume. Detached means that the volume is not used and you can't perform read and write operation on the volume.
  • Reads: the number of read operations served by the volume.
  • Reads MS: the total amount of time spent doing reads, expressed in milliseconds.
  • Bytes Read: measures the total number of bytes read from the volume.
  • Writes: the number of write operations served by the volume.
  • Writes MS: the total amount of time spent doing write operations, expressed in milliseconds.
  • Bytes Written: represents the total amount of bytes written to the volume.
  • Discards: indicates the total number of discard operations that have been issued to the volume. Discard operations are used to inform the underlying storage that specific blocks of data are no longer in use and can be erased, optimizing storage space and performance.
  • Discards MS: shows the millisecond (ms) count of how long the discard operations took to complete. This metric is important for assessing the performance impact of the discard operations on the overall system.
  • Bytes Discarded: represents the total amount of data in bytes that has been marked as no longer needed and discarded during the discard operations. It gives an idea of the volume of data that has been cleared from the storage, helping in storage management and optimization.
  • IOs in progress: tells the number of IO operations currently in progress.
  • Bytes used: indicates the amount of space used on the volume, expressed in KiB.
  • Replication Status: tells whether the volume replication feature is disabled (Detached) or enabled (Up).

    Starting from Portworx Enterprise version 3.1.1, for the vSphere and FlashArray provided drives, the following output fields appear under the Replica sets on nodes section:

  • Datastore / FA-Name: Specifies the name of the datastore in a vSphere environment or the FlashArray in which the volume resides. It helps identify the storage system used for the volume, facilitating easier management and reference within these environments.
  • Drive ID: Provides the unique identifier of the drive, which in the case of vSphere is the path to the VMDK file. It is crucial for identifying the specific virtual disk file associated with the volume on the datastore.
  • Drive Path: Indicates the system path to the physical or logical drive where the volume data is actually stored. It offers a direct reference to locate the drive within the host system, aiding in tasks such as maintenance or troubleshooting.

Inspect multiple volumes

With pxctl, you can also inspect multiple volumes in one command as in the following example:

pxctl volume inspect testVol testVol2
Volume    :  188586323847560484
Name : testVol
Size : 1.0 GiB
Format : ext4
HA : 1
IO Priority : LOW
Creation time : Jul 2 14:57:11 UTC 2019
Shared : no
Status : up
State : detached
Reads : 0
Reads MS : 0
Bytes Read : 0
Writes : 0
Writes MS : 0
Bytes Written : 0
IOs in progress : 0
Bytes used : 340 KiB
Replica sets on nodes:
Set 0
Node : X.X.X.70 (Pool 0)
Replication Status : Detached

Volume : 1089720565647069203
Name : testVol2
Size : 1.0 GiB
Format : ext4
HA : 1
IO Priority : LOW
Creation time : Jul 4 16:37:02 UTC 2019
Shared : no
Status : up
State : detached
Reads : 0
Reads MS : 0
Bytes Read : 0
Writes : 0
Writes MS : 0
Bytes Written : 0
IOs in progress : 0
Bytes used : 340 KiB
Replica sets on nodes:
Set 0
Node : X.X.X.70 (Pool 0)
Replication Status : Detached

Example sequence

Below is an example of PVC creation, followed by creation of a MYSQL service.

  1. Create a PVC:

    cat pvc.yaml
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
    name: mysql-data
    annotations: px-csi-db
    - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 2Gi
  2. Create a MYSQL application using the above PVC:

    cat mysql.yaml
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: mysql
    maxSurge: 1
    maxUnavailable: 1
    type: RollingUpdate
    replicas: 1
    app: mysql
    app: mysql
    version: "1"
    - image: mysql:5.6
    name: mysql
    value: password
    - containerPort: 3306
    - name: mysql-persistent-storage
    mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
    - name: mysql-persistent-storage
    claimName: mysql-data
  3. List the deployment (App) and PVC:

    kubectl get deployment
    mysql 1/1 1 1 67m
    kubectl get pvc
    NAME           STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
    mysql-data Bound pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-b36921371ce4 2Gi RWO px-csi-db 82m
  4. Describe the PVC:

    kubectl describe pvc mysql-data
    Name:          mysql-data
    Namespace: default
    StorageClass: px-csi-db
    Status: Bound
    Volume: pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-b36921371ce4
    Labels: <none>
    Annotations: yes yes px-csi-db
    Finalizers: []
    Capacity: 2Gi
    Access Modes: RWO
    VolumeMode: Filesystem
    Used By: mysql-6654679c44-qcpmv
    Events: <none>

    The output shows that a CSI storage class is used and bound.

  5. Inspect a volume:

    pxctl volume inspect 949302306981516864
      Volume          	 :  949302306981516864
    Name : pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-b36921371ce4
    Size : 2.0 GiB
    Format : ext4
    HA : 3
    IO Priority : LOW
    Creation time : Oct 28 16:28:10 UTC 2022
    Shared : no
    Status : up
    State : Attached: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-71365ac19514 (
    Last Attached : Oct 28 16:42:25 UTC 2022
    Device Path : /dev/pxd/pxd949302306981516864
    Labels :,,,io_profile=db_remote,namespace=default,pvc=mysql-data,repl=3
    Mount Options : discard
    Reads : 51
    Reads MS : 37
    Bytes Read : 1105920
    Writes : 636
    Writes MS : 12752
    Bytes Written : 169459712
    IOs in progress : 0
    Bytes used : 17 MiB
    Replica sets on nodes:
    Set 0
    Node : (Pool xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-31df5f03ebcc )
    Node : (Pool xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-246d810d4a07 )
    Node : (Pool xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-46e648a2708a )
    Replication Status : Up
    Volume consumers :
    - Name : mysql-6654679c44-qcpmv (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0e0a0130620b) (Pod)
    Namespace : default
    Running on :
    Controlled by : mysql-6654679c44 (ReplicaSet)