Portworx Alerts
Portworx provides a way to monitor your cluster using alerts. It has a predefined set of alerts which are listed below. The alerts are broadly classified into the following types based on the Resource on which it is raised
- Cluster
- Nodes
- Disks
- Volumes
- Pools
Each alert has a severity from one of the following levels:
List of Alerts
Name | ResourceType | Severity | Description | Metric |
DriveOperationFailure | DRIVE | ALARM | Triggered when a driver operation such as add or replace fails. | px_alerts_driveoperationfailure_total |
DriveOperationSuccess | DRIVE | NOTIFY | Triggered when a driver operation such as add or replace succeeds. | px_alerts_driveoperationsuccess_total |
DriveStateChange | DRIVE | WARNING | Triggered when there is a change in the driver state viz. Free Disk space goes below the recommended level of 10%. | px_alerts_drivestatechange_total |
DriveStateChangeClear | DRIVE | WARNING | Triggered when the drive’s state gets cleared. | px_alerts_drivestatechangeclear_total |
CloudDriveCreateWarning | DRIVE | ALARM | Warning during cloud drive creation | px_alerts_clouddrivecreatewarning_total |
CloudDriveNotFound | DRIVE | WARNING | Triggered when a cloud-drive is not found. Decommission the node if drives are not recoverable. | px_alerts_clouddrivenotfound_total |
CloudDriveDeleteFailure | DRIVE | ALARM | Triggered when cloud-drive deletion fails and needs to be deleted manually | px_alerts_clouddrivedeletefailure_total |
SvMotionDatastoreWrongPrefix | DRIVE | ALARM | Found cloud drive on a datastore with prefix not matching VSPHERE_DATASTORE_PREFIX | px_alerts_svmotiondatastorewrongprefix_total |
SvMotionDatastoreNoPermission | DRIVE | ALARM | PX cannot update new paths since we do not have access permission to the datastore | px_alerts_svmotiondatastorenopermission_total |
SvMotionMonitoringFailure | DRIVE | ALARM | PX had a failure in recognizing vSphere Storage vMotion | px_alerts_svmotionmonitoringfailure_total |
SvMotionMonitoringSuccess | DRIVE | NOTIFY | Successfully updated configmap with new paths after Storage vMotion | px_alerts_svmotionmonitoringsuccess_total |
VolumeOperationFailureAlarm | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a volume operation fails. Volume operations could be resize, cloudsnap, etc. The alert message will give more info about the specific error case. | px_alerts_volumeoperationfailurealarm_total |
VolumeOperationSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a volume operation such as resize succeeds. | px_alerts_volumeoperationsuccess_total |
VolumeStateChange | VOLUME | WARNING | Triggered when there is a change in the state of the volume. | px_alerts_volumestatechange_total |
IOOperation | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when an IO operation such as Block Read/Block Write fails. | px_alerts_iooperation_total |
VolumeOperationFailureWarn | VOLUME | WARNING | Triggered when a volume operation fails. Volume operations could be resize, cloudsnap, etc. The alert message will give more info about the specific error case. | px_alerts_volumeoperationfailurewarn_total |
VolumeSpaceLow | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when the free space available in a volume goes below a threshold. | px_alerts_volumespacelow_total |
ReplAddVersionMismatch | VOLUME | WARNING | Triggered when a volume HA update fails with version mismatch. | px_alerts_repladdversionmismatch_total |
CloudsnapOperationUpdate | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered if a cloudsnap schedule is changed successfully. | px_alerts_cloudsnapoperationupdate_total |
CloudsnapOperationFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a cloudsnap operation fails. | px_alerts_cloudsnapoperationfailure_total |
CloudsnapOperationSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a cloudsnap operation succeeds. | px_alerts_cloudsnapoperationsuccess_total |
VolumeCreateSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a volume is successfully created. | px_alerts_volumecreatesuccess_total |
VolumeCreateFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a volume creation fails. | px_alerts_volumecreatefailure_total |
VolumeDeleteSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a volume is successfully deleted. | px_alerts_volumedeletesuccess_total |
VolumeDeleteFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a volume deletion fails. | px_alerts_volumedeletefailure_total |
VolumeMountSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a volume is successfully mounted at the requested path. | px_alerts_volumemountsuccess_total |
VolumeMountFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a volume cannot be mounted at the requested path. | px_alerts_volumemountfailure_total |
VolumeUnmountSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a volume is successfully unmounted. | px_alerts_volumeunmountsuccess_total |
VolumeUnmountFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a volume cannot be unmounted. The alert message provides more info about the specific error case. | px_alerts_volumeunmountfailure_total |
VolumeHAUpdateSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a volume’s replication factor (HA factor) is successfully updated. | px_alerts_volumehaupdatesuccess_total |
VolumeHAUpdateFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when an update to volume’s replication factor (HA factor) fails. | px_alerts_volumehaupdatefailure_total |
SnapshotCreateSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a volume is successfully created. | px_alerts_snapshotcreatesuccess_total |
SnapshotCreateFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a volume snapshot creation fails. | px_alerts_snapshotcreatefailure_total |
SnapshotRestoreSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a snapshot is successfully restored on a volume. | px_alerts_snapshotrestoresuccess_total |
SnapshotRestoreFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when the operation of restoring a snapshot fails. | px_alerts_snapshotrestorefailure_total |
SnapshotIntervalUpdateFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when an update of the snapshot interval for a volume fails. | px_alerts_snapshotintervalupdatefailure_total |
SnapshotIntervalUpdateSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a snapshot interval of a volume is successfully updated. | px_alerts_snapshotintervalupdatesuccess_total |
VolumeExtentDiffSlow | VOLUME | WARNING | Volume extent diff is taking too long. | px_alerts_volumeextentdiffslow_total |
VolumeExtentDiffOk | VOLUME | WARNING | Volume extent diff is okay. | px_alerts_volumeextentdiffok_total |
SnapshotDeleteSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a snapshot is successfully deleted. | px_alerts_snapshotdeletesuccess_total |
SnapshotDeleteFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a snapshot delete is successfully deleted. | px_alerts_snapshotdeletefailure_total |
VolumeSpaceLowCleared | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when the free disk space goes above the recommended level of 10%. | px_alerts_volumespacelowcleared_total |
CloudMigrationUpdate | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered if a cloud migration is updated. | px_alerts_cloudmigrationupdate_total |
CloudMigrationSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a cloud migration operation succeeds. | px_alerts_cloudmigrationsuccess_total |
CloudMigrationFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a cloud migration operation fails. | px_alerts_cloudmigrationfailure_total |
CloudsnapOperationWarning | VOLUME | WARNING | Triggered when a cloud snap operation encounters a problem. | px_alerts_cloudsnapoperationwarning_total |
IOOperationWarning | VOLUME | WARNING | Io operation warning | px_alerts_iooperationwarning_total |
FilesystemCheckSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Filesystem-Check fixed filesystem errors in volume | px_alerts_filesystemchecksuccess_total |
FilesystemCheckFailed | VOLUME | WARNING | Filesystem-Check failed to fix errors in volume | px_alerts_filesystemcheckfailed_total |
FilesystemCheckFoundErrors | VOLUME | WARNING | Filesystem-Check found errors in the filesystem | px_alerts_filesystemcheckfounderrors_total |
VolumeResizeSuccessful | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Volume resize operation successful | px_alerts_volumeresizesuccessful_total |
VolumeResizeDeferred | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Volume resize operation deferred to next mount | px_alerts_volumeresizedeferred_total |
VolumeResizeFailed | VOLUME | ALARM | Volume resize operation failed | px_alerts_volumeresizefailed_total |
VolumeAttachFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a volume cannot be attached to the requested node. | px_alerts_volumeattachfailure_total |
VolumeDetachFailure | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when a volume cannot be detached from a node. | px_alerts_volumedetachfailure_total |
VolumeRemoteDetach | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a volume is detached from a remote node to allow attaching. | px_alerts_volumeremotedetach_total |
VolumeCreateWarning | VOLUME | WARNING | Triggered when a volume creation encounters a non-critical problem. | px_alerts_volumecreatewarning_total |
CloudMigrationCanceled | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a cloud migration operation is canceled. | px_alerts_cloudmigrationcanceled_total |
SharedV4FailoverNotAvailable | VOLUME | WARNING | Triggered when service failover is not available for a sharedv4 volume because it is not HA. | px_alerts_sharedv4failovernotavailable_total |
SharedV4FailoverAvailable | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when service failover is available for a sharedv4 volume. | px_alerts_sharedv4failoveravailable_total |
VolumeNodiscardMntOptsValidationFailed | VOLUME | NOTIFY | volume discard/nodiscard mount options not configured correctly | px_alerts_volumenodiscardmntoptsvalidationfailed_total |
VolumeIOThrottleWarning | VOLUME | WARNING | volume max_iops/max_bandwidth options not enforced | px_alerts_volumeiothrottlewarning_total |
VolumeUnhealthyReplicasIncreased | VOLUME | WARNING | Triggered when a the number of unhealthy volume replicas increased. | px_alerts_volumeunhealthyreplicasincreased_total |
VolumeUnhealthyReplicasDecreased | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when the number of unhealthy volume replicas decreases. | px_alerts_volumeunhealthyreplicasdecreased_total |
VolumeAutoFstrimFailed | VOLUME | ALARM | Auto fstrim failed. | px_alerts_volumeautofstrimfailed_total |
NodiscardInXFSDisabled | VOLUME | ALARM | Nodiscard is disabled for volumes formatted with XFS, please refer to Portworx documentation for details | px_alerts_nodiscardinxfsdisabled_total |
AutoFstrimInXFSDisabled | VOLUME | ALARM | Auto fstrim is disabled for volumes formatted with XFS, please refer to Portworx documentation for details | px_alerts_autofstriminxfsdisabled_total |
AutoFstrimInXFSNotAutoEnabled | VOLUME | ALARM | Auto fstrim is not automatically enabled for volumes formatted with XFS, please refer to Portworx documentation for details | px_alerts_autofstriminxfsnotautoenabled_total |
FADAVolumeDeletePartialFailure | VOLUME | WARNING | Failed to delete FlashArray Direct Access volume on FlashArray. Volume needs to be manually cleaned up from FlashArray. | px_alerts_fadavolumedeletepartialfailure_total |
VolumeFastpathStatusActive | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Volume fastpath status transitions to active. | px_alerts_volumefastpathstatusactive_total |
VolumeFastpathStatusInactive | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Volume fastpath status transitions to inactive. | px_alerts_volumefastpathstatusinactive_total |
VolumeDeviceExists | VOLUME | ALARM | Triggered when there is a stale device for a volume that requires cleanup | px_alerts_volumedeviceexists_total |
LegacySharedToSharedv4ServiceMigrationStarted | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a legacy shared volume is picked up for migration to type sharedv4 service. | px_alerts_legacysharedtosharedv4servicemigrationstarted_total |
LegacySharedToSharedv4ServiceMigrationSuccess | VOLUME | NOTIFY | Triggered when a legacy shared volume has successfully migrated to type sharedv4 service | px_alerts_legacysharedtosharedv4servicemigrationsuccess_total |
LegacySharedToSharedv4ServiceMigrationPending | VOLUME | WARNING | Triggered when a legacy shared volume hasn't migrated to type sharedv4 service for too long | px_alerts_legacysharedtosharedv4servicemigrationpending_total |
VolGroupOperationFailure | CLUSTER | ALARM | Triggered when a volume group operation fails. | px_alerts_volgroupoperationfailure_total |
VolGroupOperationSuccess | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when a volume group operation succeeds. | px_alerts_volgroupoperationsuccess_total |
VolGroupStateChange | CLUSTER | WARNING | Triggered when a volume group’s state changes. | px_alerts_volgroupstatechange_total |
ContainerOperationFailure | CLUSTER | ALARM | Container operation failed | px_alerts_containeroperationfailure_total |
ContainerOperationSuccess | CLUSTER | ALARM | Container operation succeeded | px_alerts_containeroperationsuccess_total |
ContainerStateChange | CLUSTER | ALARM | Container state changed | px_alerts_containerstatechange_total |
LicenseExpiring | CLUSTER | WARNING | Warning triggers 7 days before the installed Portworx Enterprise or Trial license will expire (e.g. “PX-Enterprise license will expire in 6 days, 12:00”). It will also keep triggering after the license has expired (e.g. “Trial license expired 4 days, 06:22 ago”). | px_alerts_licenseexpiring_total |
ClusterPairSuccess | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when a cluster pair operation succeeds. | px_alerts_clusterpairsuccess_total |
ClusterPairFailure | CLUSTER | ALARM | Triggered when a cluster pair operation fails. | px_alerts_clusterpairfailure_total |
ClusterDomainAdded | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when a cluster domain is added. | px_alerts_clusterdomainadded_total |
ClusterDomainRemoved | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when a cluster domain is removed. | px_alerts_clusterdomainremoved_total |
ClusterDomainActivated | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when a cluster domain is activated. | px_alerts_clusterdomainactivated_total |
ClusterDomainDeactivated | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when a cluster domain is deactivated. | px_alerts_clusterdomaindeactivated_total |
MeteringAgentWarning | CLUSTER | WARNING | Triggered when the metering agent encounters a non-critical problem. | px_alerts_meteringagentwarning_total |
MeteringAgentCritical | CLUSTER | ALARM | Triggered when the metering agent encounters a critical problem. | px_alerts_meteringagentcritical_total |
ClusterLicenseUpdated | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when a license is updated for a cluster. | px_alerts_clusterlicenseupdated_total |
LicenseExpired | CLUSTER | ALARM | Triggered when the cluster license expires. | px_alerts_licenseexpired_total |
LicenseLeaseExpiring | CLUSTER | WARNING | Triggered when the license lease is about to expire since the last lease refresh failed. | px_alerts_licenseleaseexpiring_total |
LicenseLeaseExpired | CLUSTER | ALARM | Triggered when the license lease has expired since the last lease refresh failed. | px_alerts_licenseleaseexpired_total |
RebalanceJobFinished | CLUSTER | ALARM | Rebalance job finished execution | px_alerts_rebalancejobfinished_total |
RebalanceJobStarted | CLUSTER | ALARM | Rebalance job started execution | px_alerts_rebalancejobstarted_total |
RebalanceJobPaused | CLUSTER | ALARM | Rebalance job paused execution | px_alerts_rebalancejobpaused_total |
RebalanceJobCancelled | CLUSTER | ALARM | Rebalance job cancelled | px_alerts_rebalancejobcancelled_total |
LicenseNodesOverAllocated | CLUSTER | ALARM | Too many nodes in cluster | px_alerts_licensenodesoverallocated_total |
AutoFstrimDisabledInCluster | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Auto fstrim is disabled in this cluster | px_alerts_autofstrimdisabledincluster_total |
LicenseExpansionStarted | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when the cluster license is expanded. | px_alerts_licenseexpansionstarted_total |
LicenseExpansionEnded | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when the cluster license expansion is ended. | px_alerts_licenseexpansionended_total |
BaseAgentRegistrationFailed | CLUSTER | ALARM | Basge agent failed to register | px_alerts_baseagentregistrationfailed_total |
ScheduledJobSubmissionFailure | CLUSTER | ALARM | Triggered when scheduler failed to submit the jobs at the scheduled time | px_alerts_scheduledjobsubmissionfailure_total |
NodeIDInClusterManagerWithoutSpec | CLUSTER | WARNING | Triggered when a node's entry is found in cluster database but does not have a storage spec associated with it | px_alerts_nodeidinclustermanagerwithoutspec_total |
DefragScheduleCreated | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | A new defrag schedule is created | px_alerts_defragschedulecreated_total |
DefragScheduleDeleted | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | A defrag schedule is deleted | px_alerts_defragscheduledeleted_total |
DefragScheduleStarted | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when a defrag schedule starts a run | px_alerts_defragschedulestarted_total |
DefragScheduleFinished | CLUSTER | NOTIFY | Triggered when a defrag schedule finishes a run | px_alerts_defragschedulefinished_total |
DefragScheduleJobSubmissionFailure | CLUSTER | WARNING | Triggered when a defrag schedule failed to submit defrag job. | px_alerts_defragschedulejobsubmissionfailure_total |
NodeStartFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when a node in the Portworx cluster fails to start. | px_alerts_nodestartfailure_total |
NodeStartSuccess | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when a node in the Portworx cluster successfully initializes. | px_alerts_nodestartsuccess_total |
NodeStateChange | NODE | ALARM | Node state changed (i.e. it went down, came online etc.) | px_alerts_nodestatechange_total |
NodeJournalHighUsage | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when a node’s timestamp journal usage is not within limits. | px_alerts_nodejournalhighusage_total |
PXInitFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when Portworx fails to initialize on a node. | px_alerts_pxinitfailure_total |
PXInitSuccess | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when Portworx successfully initializes on a node. | px_alerts_pxinitsuccess_total |
PXStateChange | NODE | WARNING | Triggered when the Portworx daemon shuts down in error. | px_alerts_pxstatechange_total |
StorageVolumeMountDegraded | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when Portworx storage enters degraded mode on a node. | px_alerts_storagevolumemountdegraded_total |
ClusterManagerFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when Cluster manager on a Portworx node fails to start. The alert message will give more info about the specific error case. | px_alerts_clustermanagerfailure_total |
KernelDriverFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when an incorrect Portworx kernel module is detected. Indicates that Portworx is started with an incorrect version of the kernel module. | px_alerts_kerneldriverfailure_total |
NodeDecommissionSuccess | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when a node is successfully decommissioned from Portworx cluster. | px_alerts_nodedecommissionsuccess_total |
NodeDecommissionFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when a node could not be decommissioned from Portworx cluster. | px_alerts_nodedecommissionfailure_total |
NodeDecommissionPending | NODE | WARNING | Triggered when a node decommission is kept in pending state as it has data which is not replicated on other nodes. | px_alerts_nodedecommissionpending_total |
NodeInitFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when Portworx fails to initialize on a node. | px_alerts_nodeinitfailure_total |
NodeScanCompletion | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when node media scan completes without error. | px_alerts_nodescancompletion_total |
CloudsnapScheduleFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if a cloudsnap schedule fails to configure. | px_alerts_cloudsnapschedulefailure_total |
NodeMarkedDown | NODE | WARNING | Triggered when a Portworx node marks another node down as it is unable to connect to it. | px_alerts_nodemarkeddown_total |
PXReady | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when Portworx is ready on a node. | px_alerts_pxready_total |
StorageFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when the provided storage drives could not be mounted by Portworx. | px_alerts_storagefailure_total |
ObjectstoreFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when an object store error is detected. | px_alerts_objectstorefailure_total |
ObjectstoreSuccess | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered upon a successful object store operation. | px_alerts_objectstoresuccess_total |
ObjectstoreStateChange | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered in response to a state change. | px_alerts_objectstorestatechange_total |
SharedV4SetupFailure | NODE | WARNING | Triggered when the creation of a sharedv4 volume fails. | px_alerts_sharedv4setupfailure_total |
NodeTimestampFailure | NODE | ALARM | Node timestamp journal failure | px_alerts_nodetimestampfailure_total |
NodeJournalFailure | NODE | ALARM | Node journal failure | px_alerts_nodejournalfailure_total |
StoragePoolFailure | NODE | ALARM | Storage Pool handling encountered an issue | px_alerts_storagepoolfailure_total |
NodeDriverFailure | NODE | ALARM | Node Kernel Driver Failure | px_alerts_nodedriverfailure_total |
StoragelessToStorageNodeTransitionFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when a node fails to transition from a storageless type to a storage type. | px_alerts_storagelesstostoragenodetransitionfailure_total |
StoragelessToStorageNodeTransitionSuccess | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when a node transitions from a storageless type to a storage type successfully. | px_alerts_storagelesstostoragenodetransitionsuccess_total |
SecretsAuthFailed | NODE | WARNING | Secrets setup has failed | px_alerts_secretsauthfailed_total |
LicenseServerDown | NODE | WARNING | Triggered when a node is unable to reach the license server. | px_alerts_licenseserverdown_total |
FloatingLicenseSetupError | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when a node fails to setup a floating license. | px_alerts_floatinglicensesetuperror_total |
NFSServerUnhealthy | NODE | WARNING | Triggered when the NFS server on this node is unhealthy. | px_alerts_nfsserverunhealthy_total |
FileSystemDependency | NODE | ALARM | Triggered during Portworx installation if there’s a filesystem dependency failure. | px_alerts_filesystemdependency_total |
RebootRequired | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when a node requires a reboot. | px_alerts_rebootrequired_total |
TempFileSystemInitialization | NODE | ALARM | Triggered during Portworx installation if a node fails to initialize a temporary filesystem. | px_alerts_tempfilesysteminitialization_total |
UnsupportedKernel | NODE | ALARM | Triggered during a Portworx installation if the node contains a kernel that is not supported by Portworx. | px_alerts_unsupportedkernel_total |
InvalidDevice | NODE | ALARM | Triggered during Portworx installation if an invalid device is provided to Portworx as a storage device. | px_alerts_invaliddevice_total |
NfsDependencyInstallFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered during Portworx installation if Portworx cannot install the NFS service. | px_alerts_nfsdependencyinstallfailure_total |
NfsDependencyNotEnabled | NODE | ALARM | Triggered during Portworx installation if Portworx cannot enable the NFS service. | px_alerts_nfsdependencynotenabled_total |
LicenseCheckFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if a node fails a license check. | px_alerts_licensecheckfailed_total |
PortworxStoppedOnNode | NODE | WARNING | Triggered if Portworx is stopped on a node. | px_alerts_portworxstoppedonnode_total |
KvdbConnectionFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if Portworx fails to connect to the KVDB. | px_alerts_kvdbconnectionfailed_total |
InternalKvdbSetupFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if Portworx fails to setup Internal KVDB on a node. | px_alerts_internalkvdbsetupfailed_total |
PortworxMonitorImagePullFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if Portworx fails to pull Portworx images during installation. | px_alerts_portworxmonitorimagepullfailed_total |
PortworxMonitorPrePostExecutionFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if Portworx fails to execute pre or post installation tasks. | px_alerts_portworxmonitorprepostexecutionfailed_total |
PortworxMonitorMountValidationFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if Portworx fails to validate mounts provided to Portworx container during installation. | px_alerts_portworxmonitormountvalidationfailed_total |
PortworxMonitorSchedulerInitializationFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if Portworx fails to initialize connection with scheduler during installation. | px_alerts_portworxmonitorschedulerinitializationfailed_total |
PortworxMonitorServiceControlsInitializationFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if Portworx fails to initialize the service controls during installation. | px_alerts_portworxmonitorservicecontrolsinitializationfailed_total |
PortworxMonitorInstallFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if Portworx installation fails. | px_alerts_portworxmonitorinstallfailed_total |
MissingInputArgument | NODE | ALARM | Triggered if there’s a missing input install argument. | px_alerts_missinginputargument_total |
PortworxMonitorImagePullInProgress | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when Portworx is pulling and extracting images during installation or upgrade. | px_alerts_portworxmonitorimagepullinprogress_total |
InvalidArgument | NODE | ALARM | Invalid input argument | px_alerts_invalidargument_total |
PXHostDependencyFailure | NODE | ALARM | Host does not meet dependencies for applied px configuration | px_alerts_pxhostdependencyfailure_total |
KvdbConnectionWarning | NODE | WARNING | kvdb endpoint is not accessible | px_alerts_kvdbconnectionwarning_total |
CallHomeFailure | NODE | ALARM | Call home failure | px_alerts_callhomefailure_total |
CloudsnapSettingWarning | NODE | WARNING | Cloudsnap setting Warning | px_alerts_cloudsnapsettingwarning_total |
Sharedv4ServerHighLoadWarn | NODE | WARNING | SharedV4 server high load detected | px_alerts_sharedv4serverhighloadwarn_total |
NodeAttachmentsCordoned | NODE | NOTIFY | Volume attachments are disabled on this node | px_alerts_nodeattachmentscordoned_total |
NodeAttachmentsUncordoned | NODE | NOTIFY | Volume attachments are re-enabled on this node | px_alerts_nodeattachmentsuncordoned_total |
DrainAttachmentsJobStarted | NODE | NOTIFY | DrainAttachments job started execution | px_alerts_drainattachmentsjobstarted_total |
DrainAttachmentsJobFinished | NODE | NOTIFY | DrainAttachments job finished execution | px_alerts_drainattachmentsjobfinished_total |
DrainAttachmentsJobCancelled | NODE | ALARM | DrainAttachments job cancelled | px_alerts_drainattachmentsjobcancelled_total |
CloudDriveTransferJobStarted | NODE | NOTIFY | CloudDriveTransfer job started execution | px_alerts_clouddrivetransferjobstarted_total |
CloudDriveTransferJobInProgress | NODE | NOTIFY | CloudDriveTransfer job in progress | px_alerts_clouddrivetransferjobinprogress_total |
CloudDriveTransferJobFinished | NODE | NOTIFY | CloudDriveTransfer job finished execution | px_alerts_clouddrivetransferjobfinished_total |
CloudDriveTransferJobCancelled | NODE | ALARM | CloudDriveTransfer job cancelled | px_alerts_clouddrivetransferjobcancelled_total |
DrainAttachmentsOperationWarning | NODE | WARNING | DrainAttachments operation warning | px_alerts_drainattachmentsoperationwarning_total |
NodeUnsecured | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when an unsecure Portworx node tries to join a secured cluster. Indicates that the Portworx node is not configured correctly with the appropriate authentication security settings. | px_alerts_nodeunsecured_total |
DiagCollectJobStarted | NODE | NOTIFY | DiagCollect job started execution | px_alerts_diagcollectjobstarted_total |
DiagCollectJobInProgress | NODE | NOTIFY | DiagCollect job in progress | px_alerts_diagcollectjobinprogress_total |
DiagCollectJobFinished | NODE | NOTIFY | DiagCollect job finished execution | px_alerts_diagcollectjobfinished_total |
DiagCollectJobCancelled | NODE | ALARM | DiagCollect job cancelled | px_alerts_diagcollectjobcancelled_total |
DiagCollectJobFailed | NODE | ALARM | DiagCollect job failed | px_alerts_diagcollectjobfailed_total |
FileSystemModuleDependency | NODE | ALARM | Triggered during Portworx installation if there is a filesystem module dependency failure. | px_alerts_filesystemmoduledependency_total |
RelaxedReclaimMaxReached | NODE | WARNING | RelaxedReclaim maximum pending limit reached causing inline delete of the volume/snapshot | px_alerts_relaxedreclaimmaxreached_total |
VolumeIOThrottleNotSupported | NODE | NOTIFY | Volume IO Throttling feature not supported in this node due to kernel limitation | px_alerts_volumeiothrottlenotsupported_total |
UnsupportedOperatingSystem | NODE | WARNING | Ubuntu 16.04 will not be supported after the Portworx 2.10 release. | px_alerts_unsupportedoperatingsystem_total |
CCMstatusFailed | NODE | NOTIFY | CCM status check failed | px_alerts_ccmstatusfailed_total |
CCMuploadFailed | NODE | NOTIFY | Upload to CCM failed | px_alerts_ccmuploadfailed_total |
PXNodePrerequisiteMissing | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when Portworx is missing a prerequisite to start | px_alerts_pxnodeprerequisitemissing_total |
MissingRequests | NODE | WARNING | Missing requests on peer | px_alerts_missingrequests_total |
ROVolPodBounce | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when read-write (rw) volume mounts turn read-only (ro) due to errors. Application pods using them will be bounced. | px_alerts_rovolpodbounce_total |
StorageReady | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when storage is ready on this node. | px_alerts_storageready_total |
KvdbEndpointsChanged | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when this node starts using a different set of kvdb endpoints. | px_alerts_kvdbendpointschanged_total |
KvdbMemberReplaceStarted | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when this node starts replacing another node as an internal kvdb member. | px_alerts_kvdbmemberreplacestarted_total |
KvdbBootstrapEntryAdded | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when this node adds an entry (usually for this node) to the internal KVDB bootstrap database. | px_alerts_kvdbbootstrapentryadded_total |
KvdbBootstrapEntryRemoved | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when this node removes an entry (for this or another node) from the internal KVDB bootstrap database. | px_alerts_kvdbbootstrapentryremoved_total |
KvdbMemberAdded | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when this node adds itself as a member to the internal KVDB cluster. | px_alerts_kvdbmemberadded_total |
KvdbMemberRemoved | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when this node removes itself or another node from the internal KVDB cluster. | px_alerts_kvdbmemberremoved_total |
UncordonPool | NODE | NOTIFY | Pool in Cordon state has been reset to Up | px_alerts_uncordonpool_total |
KubeVirtLiveMigrationStarted | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when Portworx starts live-migration for a KubeVirt VM. | px_alerts_kubevirtlivemigrationstarted_total |
KubeVirtLiveMigrationStartFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when Portworx fails to start live-migration for a KubeVirt VM. | px_alerts_kubevirtlivemigrationstartfailure_total |
KubeVirtLiveMigrationSuccess | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when Portworx initiated live-migration of a KubeVirt VM finishes successfully. | px_alerts_kubevirtlivemigrationsuccess_total |
KubeVirtLiveMigrationFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when Portworx initiated live-migration of a KubeVirt VM has failed. | px_alerts_kubevirtlivemigrationfailure_total |
VolumeCollocateVPSAddFailure | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when a placement strategy could not be added during KubeVirt volume creation. Volumes of the same VM may not get collocated. | px_alerts_volumecollocatevpsaddfailure_total |
VolumeCollocateAddingVPS | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when a placement stragegy is added during KubeVirt volume creation in order to collocate volumes of the same VM. | px_alerts_volumecollocateaddingvps_total |
VolumeCollocateJobStalled | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when the background job is not able to collocate volumes of a KubeVirt VM. Manual action may be needed. | px_alerts_volumecollocatejobstalled_total |
VolumeCollocateJobAddingVPS | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when the background job is adding a placement strategy to a KubeVirt volume for collocating it with other volumes of the same VM. | px_alerts_volumecollocatejobaddingvps_total |
VolumeCollocateJobFailedToAddVPS | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when the background job could not add a placement strategy to a KubeVirt volume. Volumes of the same VM may not get collocated. | px_alerts_volumecollocatejobfailedtoaddvps_total |
DefragScheduleStartedOnNode | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when a defrag schedule starts execution on a node. | px_alerts_defragschedulestartedonnode_total |
DefragScheduleFinishedOnNode | NODE | NOTIFY | Triggered when a defrag schedule finishes execution on a node. | px_alerts_defragschedulefinishedonnode_total |
ArrayLoginFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when to login to FlashArray fails | px_alerts_arrayloginfailed_total |
MountpointCleanupFailed | NODE | ALARM | Triggered when mountpoint cleaner fails | px_alerts_mountpointcleanupfailed_total |
NodeStartCannotProceed | NODE | WARNING | Triggered when Portworx startup on a node cannot proceed because a dependency has not been met | px_alerts_nodestartcannotproceed_total |
PoolExpandInProgress | POOL | NOTIFY | Triggered when a pool expand operation starts. | px_alerts_poolexpandinprogress_total |
PoolExpandSuccessful | POOL | NOTIFY | Triggered when a pool expand operation succeeds. | px_alerts_poolexpandsuccessful_total |
PoolExpandFailed | POOL | ALARM | Triggered when a pool expand operation fails. | px_alerts_poolexpandfailed_total |
AutoCordonPoolStarted | POOL | NOTIFY | AutoCordonPool background task has started | px_alerts_autocordonpoolstarted_total |
AutoCordonPoolSuccess | POOL | NOTIFY | AutoCordonPool background task has completed | px_alerts_autocordonpoolsuccess_total |
AutoCordonPoolFailed | POOL | WARNING | AutoCordonPool background task has failed | px_alerts_autocordonpoolfailed_total |