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Version: 3.1

PX-Fast volumes using pxctl

This section provides instructions for performing operations on PX-Fast volumes using pxctl.

Create a PX-Fast volume

To create a PX-fast volume, run the following command on any of the worker nodes of your cluster:

pxctl volume create --fastpath <px-volume>
Volume successfully created: 913654286436616938

Attach a volume

Attach you PX-Fast volume to the host on the same node:

pxctl host attach <px-volume>

List volumes in your cluster

Run the following command to get the list of volumes within a cluster:

pxctl volume list
1150247763189801500 pvc-d7941878-19c9-43d3-b404-84d9193d55a5 2 GiB no no no LOW up - detached no
79554029234843357 v1 1 GiB no no no LOW up - detached no
909303106655754070 v2 1 GiB no no no LOW up - attached on no

Note the ID or name of one of the volume; you can use it to view details using the pxctl command.

Get volume details

Run the following command to get the detailed PX-Fast setting and usage information for a volume:

pxctl volume inspect -e <px-volume>
Volume          	 :  909303106655754070
Name : v2
Size : 1.0 GiB
Format : ext4
HA : 1
IO Priority : LOW
Creation time : Oct 11 01:43:36 UTC 2022
Shared : no
Status : up
State : Attached: 0c99e1f2-9d49-4d53-9315-502e658bc307 (
Last Attached : Oct 11 01:43:42 UTC 2022
Device Path : /dev/pxd/pxd909303106655754070
Mount Options : discard
Reads : 40
Reads MS : 20
Bytes Read : 1060864
Writes : 0
Writes MS : 0
Bytes Written : 0
IOs in progress : 0
Bytes used : 33 MiB
Replica sets on nodes:
Set 0
Node : (Pool 8ec9e6aa-7726-4855-a9f1-f9131bf7ef9d )
Replication Status : Up

Displaying extended volume state:
Fastpath preferred : true
Fastpath promoted : true
Fastpath dirty : false
Fastpath force failover : false
Fastpath attached : FASTPATH_ACTIVE
Fastpath coordinator : 0c99e1f2-9d49-4d53-9315-502e658bc307
Fastpath replicas : 1
Fastpath replica property follows:
Replica : 0
On Node : 0c99e1f2-9d49-4d53-9315-502e658bc307
Secure : true
Exported : true
Target : /dev/pwx0/909303106655754070
Source : /dev/pwx0/909303106655754070
Type : Block device
Imported : true
Mapped local device: /dev/pwx0/909303106655754070

Get pool details servicing your volume

Run the following command to view the details of the pool servicing your volume:

pxctl service pool show
PX drive configuration:
Pool ID: 0
Type: PX-StoreV2
UUID: 58ab2e3f-a22e-492a-ad39-db8abe01d4f0
IO Priority: HIGH
Labels: medium=STORAGE_MEDIUM_SSD,,,iopriority=HIGH,,,
Size: 25 GiB
Status: Online
Has metadata: No
Balanced: Yes
0: /dev/sda, Total size 32 GiB, Online
Cache Drives:
No Cache drives found in this pool
Metadata Device:

Update a volume to enable PX-Fast

You can update an exiting volume to use the PX-Fast functionality by running the following command:

pxctl volume update --fastpath <px-volume>

Volume : 289859383805313381
Name : v5
Size : 1.0 GiB
Format : ext4
HA : 1
IO Priority : LOW
Creation time : Oct 14 02:35:02 UTC 2022
Shared : no
Status : up
State : detached
Mount Options : discard
Reads : 0
Reads MS : 0
Bytes Read : 0
Writes : 0
Writes MS : 0
Bytes Written : 0
IOs in progress : 0
Bytes used : 1.0 MiB
Replica sets on nodes:
Set 0
Node : (Pool 06fcc73a-7e2f-4365-95ce-434152789beb )
Replication Status : Detached

Displaying extended volume state:
Fastpath preferred : true
Fastpath promoted : false
Fastpath dirty : false
Fastpath force failover : false
Fastpath attached : FASTPATH_INACTIVE

Fastpath preferred : true means that this volume can use PX-Fast functionality if it is a one replica volume and attached locally.

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