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Version: 3.2

Filtering pxctl output with jq

The pxctl command line output displays a limited amount of information based on the context of the subcommand.

You can view all available output information using the -j option, which supplies the full output in JSON. To improve the output, you can further parse the JSON inline using the jq command-line processor. Using jq, you can filter the output to display only the information you want, which might not be available on the standard command line output, or would be difficult to find in the full JSON output.

This document provides instructions and examples for filtering pxctl's JSON output using jq for the following common use cases:

  • List volumes which have a replica on a node
  • List the nodes on which a volume is replicated
  • List volumes with HA-Level 1
  • List volumes which have a running HA-increase operation on a node
  • List pools with SSD labels

Find your node ID

In this document, you'll perform all of your filtering at the node level, and so you must retrieve the node ID for the node you want to inspect.

Retrieve your node names by entering the pxctl cluster provision-status command:

pxctl cluster provision-status

The cluster in this example comprises 3 worker nodes:

xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df Up 0 Online LOW 30 GiB 26 GiB 3.5 GiB 7.0 GiB 0 default default default
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8f341ebaab7a Up 0 Online LOW 3.0 TiB 3.0 TiB 10 GiB 1.0 GiB 0 default default default
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-994ce0e649d6 Up 0 Online LOW 3.0 TiB 3.0 TiB 10 GiB 1.0 GiB 0 default default default

The examples in this document use the first node: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df

List volumes which have a replica on a node

You can see information about volumes that have a replica on a given node. This is useful if you want to do node maintenance and you want to know ahead of time which volumes would be affected.

Enter the following pxctl volume list command, specifying your own node ID, to list all volumes with a replica on that node:

pxctl --json volume list | jq '.[] | select(.replica_sets[].nodes | tostring | contains("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df"))'
"id": "441341669046881893",
"source": {
"parent": "",
"seed": ""
"readonly": false,
"locator": {
"name": "pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-000c29cceb36",
"volume_labels": {
"namespace": "default",
"pvc": "postgres-data",
"repl": "2"
"ctime": "2019-09-10T21:16:12Z",
"spec": {
"ephemeral": false,
"size": "1073741824",
"format": "ext4",
"block_size": "4096",
"ha_level": "2",
"cos": "high",
"io_profile": "sequential",
"dedupe": false,
"snapshot_interval": 0,
"volume_labels": {
"namespace": "default",
"pvc": "postgres-data",
"repl": "2"
"shared": false,
"aggregation_level": 1,
"encrypted": false,
"passphrase": "",
"snapshot_schedule": "",
"scale": 0,
"sticky": false,
"group_enforced": false,
"compressed": false,
"cascaded": false,
"journal": false,
"sharedv4": false,
"queue_depth": 128,
"force_unsupported_fs_type": false,
"nodiscard": false,
"storage_policy": ""
"usage": "0",
"last_scan": "2019-09-10T21:16:12Z",
"format": "ext4",
"status": "up",
"state": "detached",
"attached_on": "",
"device_path": "",
"secure_device_path": "",
"replica_sets": [
"nodes": [
"runtime_state": [
"runtime_state": {
"ID": "0",
"PXReplReAddNodeMid": "",
"PXReplReAddPools": "",
"ReplNodePools": "0,0",
"ReplRemoveMids": "",
"ReplicaSetCreateMid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df,xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-994ce0e649d6",
"ReplicaSetCurr": "[0 1]",
"ReplicaSetCurrMid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df,xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-994ce0e649d6",
"RuntimeState": "clean"
"error": "",
"fs_resize_required": false

List the nodes on which a volume is replicated

You can use jq to query for the nodes on which a volume is replicated. This is useful if you need to perform maintenance on your cluster and want to make sure at least one replica of the volume is available during this operation.

To list the nodes on which a volume is replicated, enter the following pxctl volume inspect command, specifying the name of your volume, and pipe the output through jq:

pxctl --json volume inspect v1 | jq  '.[] | .id, .replica_sets[].nodes'

In our example, the id of the v1 volume is 387822627247234229 and the following nodes hold a replica of the v1 volume - xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df and xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8f341ebaab7a.

List volumes with HA-Level 1

Consider the following scenario: you have a new company policy that no users should run unreplicated volumes. Since this is a new policy, your users have been creating volumes that have a mixture of HA-levels: some of only 1, some of 2. You don't know what volumes these are, and you need to make sure there are no volumes that are none with an HA-level of 1. You want to show the volume ID for any volume with an HA-level of 1.

Enter the following pxctl volume list command, specifying your own node ID, to list all volumes attached to that node:

pxctl --json volume list | jq '.[] | select(.spec.ha_level == "1") | .id '

List volumes which have a running HA-increase operation on a node

Consider the following scenario: your cluster, containing 2 nodes, experiences a node failure while an HA-increase operation is running. If a node is offline, the ha-increase operation will not progress. You can use jq to display which volumes on your node have a running ha-increase operation in order to take corrective action.

Enter the following pxctl volume list command, specifying your own node ID, to list all volumes attached to that node with a running ha-increase operation:

pxctl --json volume list | jq '.[] | select(.runtime_state[].runtime_state | select(.ReplNewNodeMid == "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8f341ebaab7a")) '
"id": "313310790209155406",
"source": {
"parent": "",
"seed": ""
"readonly": false,
"locator": {
"name": "x1"
"ctime": "2019-09-23T17:33:49Z",
"spec": {
"ephemeral": false,
"size": "1073741824",
"format": "ext4",
"block_size": "4096",
"ha_level": "1",
"cos": "low",
"io_profile": "sequential",
"dedupe": false,
"snapshot_interval": 0,
"shared": false,
"replica_set": {},
"aggregation_level": 1,
"encrypted": false,
"passphrase": "",
"snapshot_schedule": "",
"scale": 1,
"sticky": false,
"group_enforced": false,
"compressed": false,
"cascaded": false,
"journal": false,
"sharedv4": false,
"queue_depth": 128,
"force_unsupported_fs_type": true,
"nodiscard": false,
"io_strategy": {
"async_io": false,
"early_ack": false
"storage_policy": ""
"usage": "348160",
"last_scan": "2019-09-23T17:33:49Z",
"format": "ext4",
"status": "up",
"state": "attached",
"attached_on": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df",
"attached_state": "ATTACH_STATE_EXTERNAL",
"device_path": "/dev/pxd/pxd313310790209155406",
"secure_device_path": "",
"replica_sets": [
"nodes": [
"runtime_state": [
"runtime_state": {
"FullResyncBlocks": "[{0 0} {-1 0} {-1 0} {-1 0} {-1 0}]",
"ID": "0",
"PXReplReAddNodeMid": "",
"PXReplReAddPools": "",
"ReadQuorum": "1",
"ReadSet": "[0]",
"ReplNewNodeMid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8f341ebaab7a",
"ReplNewNodePools": "0",
"ReplNodePools": "0",
"ReplRemoveMids": "",
"ReplicaSetCreateMid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df",
"ReplicaSetCurr": "[0]",
"ReplicaSetCurrMid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df",
"ReplicaSetNext": "[0]",
"ReplicaSetNextMid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df",
"ResyncBlocks": "[{0 0} {-1 0} {-1 0} {-1 0} {-1 0}]",
"RuntimeState": "resync",
"TimestampBlocksPerNode": "[0 0 0 0 0]",
"TimestampBlocksTotal": "0",
"WriteQuorum": "1",
"WriteSet": "[0]"
"error": "",
"fs_resize_required": false
root@70-0-39-241:/home/ub# /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl volume inspect x1
Volume : 313310790209155406
Name : x1
Size : 1.0 GiB
Format : ext4
HA : 1
IO Priority : LOW
Creation time : Sep 23 17:33:49 UTC 2019
Shared : no
Status : up
State : Attached: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df (X.X.X.214)
Device Path : /dev/pxd/pxd313310790209155406
Reads : 26
Reads MS : 4
Bytes Read : 327680
Writes : 0
Writes MS : 0
Bytes Written : 0
IOs in progress : 0
Bytes used : 340 KiB
Replica sets on nodes:
Set 0
Node : X.X.X.214 (Pool 0)
HA-Increase on : X.X.X.118 (Pool 0)
Replication Status : Resync

List pools with SSD labels

In many clusters, different nodes have pools with a unique collection of drive types. In sufficiently large clusters, this may even be hundreds of pools. You may have trouble keeping track of the available pools and their properties. You can use jq to query for the available pools on a node with a certain label. This helps you find pools that meet your application requirements. This example queries for pools using SSD storage media.

Enter the following pxctl cluster provision-status command, specifying your own node ID, to list all pools using SSDs in the cluster:

pxctl --json cluster provision-status | jq '.provisionInfo | to_entries | .[] | select(.value.Provision[].Pool.labels.ssd == "true")'

In this example, the node contains a single pool with SSD storage.

"key": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-14ea0fdd31df",
"value": {
"Status": "Up",
"Geo": {
"Provider": "local",
"Region": "default",
"Zone": "default",
"Datacenter": "default",
"Row": "default",
"Rack": "default",
"Chassis": "default",
"Hypervisor": "default",
"Node": "default"
"Provision": [
"Pool": {
"Cos": 1,
"RaidLevel": "raid0",
"labels": {
"iopriority": "LOW",
"ssd": "true"
"CosAdmin": 1,
"Info": {
"Resources": {
"1": {
"id": "1",
"path": "/dev/sdb",
"online": true,
"seq_write": 1538000,
"size": 32212254720,
"used": 4316442132,
"rotation_speed": "Unknown",
"last_scan": {
"seconds": 1569261247,
"nanos": 897671019
"ResourcesLastScan": "Resources Scan OK",
"ResourcesCount": 1,
"ResourceUUID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-a44883265537",
"ResourceJournal": {},
"ResourceJournalUUID": "",
"ResourceSystemMetadata": {},
"ResourceSystemMetadataUUID": "",
"ReadThroughput": 0,
"WriteThroughput": 1538000,
"Random4KIops": 0,
"Status": "Up",
"TotalSize": 32212254720,
"Used": 4316442132,
"LastError": "",
"Cache": {
"Pool": 0,
"Members": null,
"Enabled": false,
"CacheTotalBlocks": 0,
"CacheUsedBlocks": 0,
"CacheDirtyBlocks": 0,
"CacheReadHits": 0,
"CacheReadMisses": 0,
"CacheWriteHits": 0,
"CacheWriteMisses": 0,
"CacheChunkSize": 0,
"Cachemode": "",
"CachePolicy": "",
"CacheSettings": ""
"Status": "Up",
"ReserveFactor": 0,
"SnapReserveFactor": 0
"ProvisionedSpace": 7516192768