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Version: 2.7

Add GCP cluster

To add a GCP cluster in Portworx Backup:

  1. In the home page, from the left navigation pane, click Clusters.

  2. At the upper-right corner, click Connect cluster:

    Connect cluster

  3. In the Add Cluster page, under Select Kubernetes Platform, select GKE and then enter the cluster details:

    • Cluster name: enter a name for your cluster

    • Kubeconfig: retrieve the Kubeconfig from your cluster and paste it here or click Browse to upload it from a file

  4. From the Cloud Account dro-down list, select your GCP cloud account.

    Enter the cluster details

  5. Click Add cluster.

Portworx Backup adds your GCP cluster and to view the added cluster in the web console, go to left navigation pane and click Clusters icon.

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