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Version: 3.1

Cluster operations using pxctl

This document outlines how to manage your Portworx cluster operation with pxctl cluster.

First, let's get an overview of the available commands:

/opt/pwx/bin/pxctl cluster --help
Manage the cluster

pxctl cluster [flags]
pxctl cluster [command]

cluster, c

Available Commands:
delete Delete a node
domains A set of commands to manage Portworx Cluster Domains
inspect Inspect a node
list List nodes in the cluster
options List and update cluster wide options
pair Manage Portworx cluster pairs
provision-status Show cluster provision status
token Manage cluster authentication token

-h, --help help for cluster

Global Flags:
--ca string path to root certificate for ssl usage
--cert string path to client certificate for ssl usage
--color output with color coding
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.pxctl.yaml)
--context string context name that overrides the current auth context
-j, --json output in json
--key string path to client key for ssl usage
--output-type string use "wide" to show more details
--raw raw CLI output for instrumentation
--ssl ssl enabled for portworx

Use "pxctl cluster [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Listing all nodes in a cluster

To list all nodes in your Portworx cluster, run:

pxctl cluster list
Cluster ID: 8ed1d365-fd1b-11e6-b01d-0242ac110002
Status: OK

Nodes in the cluster:
bf9eb27d-415e-41f0-8c0d-4782959264bc X.X.X.243 0.125078 34 GB 33 GB N/A 1.1.4-6b35842 Online
7d97f9ea-a4ff-4969-9ee8-de2699fa39b4 X.X.X.171 0.187617 34 GB 33 GB N/A 1.1.4-6b35842 Online
492596eb-94f3-4422-8cb8-bc72878d4be5 X.X.X.189 0.125078 34 GB 33 GB N/A 1.1.4-6b35842 Online

Inspecting a node

Use the following command to get information on a node in the cluster:

pxctl cluster inspect 492596eb-94f3-4422-8cb8-bc72878d4be5
ID          :  492596eb-94f3-4422-8cb8-bc72878d4be5
Mgmt IP : X.X.X.189
Data IP : X.X.X.189
CPU : 0.8755472170106317
Mem Total : 33697398784
Mem Used : 702279680
Status : Online
Containers: There are no running containers on this node.

Deleting a node in a cluster

Here is how to delete a node:

pxctl cluster delete bf9eb27d-415e-41f0-8c0d-4782959264bc
node bf9eb27d-415e-41f0-8c0d-4782959264bc deleted successfully

To get help, run:

pxctl cluster delete --help
Delete a node

pxctl cluster delete [flags]

delete, d

/opt/pwx/bin/pxctl cluster delete [flags] nodeID

-f, --force Forcibly remove node, which may cause volumes to be irrevocably deleted
-h, --help help for delete

Global Flags:
--ca string path to root certificate for ssl usage
--cert string path to client certificate for ssl usage
--color output with color coding
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.pxctl.yaml)
--context string context name that overrides the current auth context
-j, --json output in json
--key string path to client key for ssl usage
--output-type string use "wide" to show more details
--raw raw CLI output for instrumentation
--ssl ssl enabled for portworx
  • For more information about decommissioning a Portworx node through Kubernetes, refer to the Decommission a Node page.

Showing nodes based on IO Priority

To list the nodes in your Portworx cluster based on IO Priority (high, medium and low), type:

pxctl cluster provision-status --io_priority low
Node                    Node Status Pool    Pool Status IO_Priority Size    Available   Used    Provisioned ReserveFactor   Zone    Region
492596eb-94f3-4422-8cb8-bc72878d4be5 Online 0 Online LOW 100 GiB 99 GiB 1.0 GiB 0 B default default
492596eb-94f3-4422-8cb8-bc72878d4be5 Online 1 Online LOW 200 GiB 199 GiB 1.0 GiB 0 B 50 default default
7d97f9ea-a4ff-4969-9ee8-de2699fa39b4 Online 0 Online LOW 100 GiB 92 GiB 8.2 GiB 70 GiB default default
bf9eb27d-415e-41f0-8c0d-4782959264bc Online 0 Online LOW 150 GiB 149 GiB 1.0 GiB 0 B default default

To get help, type the following:

pxctl cluster provision-status --help
Show cluster provision status

pxctl cluster provision-status [flags]

provision-status, s

-h, --help help for provision-status
--io_priority string IO Priority (Valid Values: [high medium low]) (default "low")
--show-labels Show all labels

Global Flags:
--ca string path to root certificate for ssl usage
--cert string path to client certificate for ssl usage
--color output with color coding
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.pxctl.yaml)
--context string context name that overrides the current auth context
-j, --json output in json
--key string path to client key for ssl usage
--output-type string use "wide" to show more details
--raw raw CLI output for instrumentation
--ssl ssl enabled for portworx

Enabling optimized restores

First, let's take a look at the available subcommands and flags:

pxctl cluster options --help
List and update cluster wide options

pxctl cluster options [flags]
pxctl cluster options [command]

Available Commands:
list List cluster wide options
update Update cluster wide options

-h, --help help for options

Global Flags:
--ca string path to root certificate for ssl usage
--cert string path to client certificate for ssl usage
--color output with color coding
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.pxctl.yaml)
--context string context name that overrides the current auth context
-j, --json output in json
--key string path to client key for ssl usage
--output-type string use "wide" to show more details
--raw raw CLI output for instrumentation
--ssl ssl enabled for portworx

Use "pxctl cluster options [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Next, we would want to list the options:

pxctl cluster options list
Auto decommission timeout (minutes)  :  20
Replica move timeout (minutes) : 1440
Internal Snapshot Interval (minutes) : 30
Re-add timeout (minutes) : 1440
Resync repl-add : off
Domain policy : strict
Optimized Restores : off

Now, let's see how to update these options:

pxctl cluster options update --help
Update cluster wide options

pxctl cluster options update [flags]

--auto-decommission-timeout uint Timeout (in minutes) after which storage-less nodes will be automatically decommissioned. Timeout cannot be set to zero. (default 20)
--auto-fstrim string Enable/Disable automatic fstrim (Valid Values: [on off]) (default "off")
--cache-flush string Enable periodic cache flush (Valid Values: [enabled disabled]) (default "disabled")
--cache-flush-seconds uint Interval at which cache flush would be performed. (default 30)
--cloudsnap-abort-timeout-minutes uint Timeout in minutes for stalled cloudsnap abort. Should be => 10 minutes (default 10)
--cloudsnap-catalog string Enable or disable cloudsnap catalog collection (Valid Values: [on off]) (default "off")
--cloudsnap-cleanup-failed-hours uint Time in hours after which the failed cloudsnaps are deleted for a configured credential. 0 disables deleting failed cloudsnaps
--cloudsnap-err-retry-limit uint Retry limit on error for cloudsnap operations with objectstore. (Valid Range: [1 15]) (default 3)
-b, --cloudsnap-full-backup-frequency uint Sets the full backup frequency. (Valid Range: [1 120]) (default 7)
--cloudsnap-max-threads uint Number of cloudsnap threads doing concurrent uploads/downloads. Valid values >= 2 and <= 16, others automatically rounded (default 16)
--cloudsnap-metadata-upload-mb-bytes-limit uint Do not use cloudsnap using metadata optimization if metadata size if over this limit in size in mebibytes. Value set to 0 disables this check. (default 10240)
--cloudsnap-metadata-upload-percent-limit uint Do not use cloudsnap using metadata optimization if metadata size if over this limit in percent with respect to upload size. Value set to 0 disables this check. (default 15)
--cloudsnap-network-limit-cluster uint Cluster-wide average network bandwith usage limit in mebibytes per second, use 0 to disable this limit
--cloudsnap-nw-interface string network interface name used by cloudsnaps(data, mgmt, eth0, etc)
--cloudsnap-using-metadata-enabled string Enable cloudsnap using metadata optimization (Valid Values: [on off]) (default "off")
--concurrent-api-limit uint Maximum number of concurrent api invocations allowed (default 20)
--default-rpc-timeout int Default RPC timeout (in minutes) for all client communications (default 5)
--disable-provisioning-labels string Semi-colon separate string of labels, example 'node=uuid1,uuid2;io_priority=high'. Use '' to reset to default.
--disabled-temporary-kvdb-loss-support string Enable or disable temporary kvdb loss support (Valid Values: [on off]) (default "off")
--domain-policy string Domain policy for domains (Valid Values: [strict eventual]) (default "strict")
--fstrim-io-rate uint Maximum throughput (in MBytes) at which fstrim would free blocks to backing store, in each interval(fstrim-io-rate-interval). Minimum is 10MB (default 100)
--fstrim-io-rate-interval uint Internal(in seconds) associated with the fstrim-io-rate(MB) is freed to backing store. Minimum 1 second. (default 1)
--fstrim-max-io-rate string Maximum throughput (KiB, MiB or GiB) at which fstrim would free blocks to backing store, in each interval. (default "1GB")
--fstrim-min-io-rate string Minimum throughput (MiB or GiB) at which fstrim would free blocks to backing store, in each interval. (default "1MiB")
-h, --help help for update
--internal-snapshot-interval uint Interval (in minutes) after which internal snapshots are rotated (default 30)
--io-profile-derive-interval-minutes uint Configure periodic interval (in minutes) to compute the IO profile for volume. Only applies to volumes with "auto" IO profile. (default 2)
--license-expiry-check days Number of days to raise alert before license expires. Set to zero to disable alerts. (default 7)
--license-expiry-check-interval string Interval for license expiry checks. Valid only if 'license-expiry-check' is defined. (default "6h")
--lttng-cmd string Lttng command to execute (Valid Values: [ start stop pause resume])
--lttng-disk-usage uint Amount of disk space (GB) to be utilized by lttng trace files. Greater than 0 enables traces and 0 disables it
--lttng-log-level string Lttng loglevel setting (Valid Values: [err emerg alert debug_unit debug_line unset debug_function debug_module debug_process debug_system notice debug_program debug warning info crit]) (default "unset")
--optimized-restores string Enable or disable optimized restores (Valid Values: [on off]) (default "off")
--provisioning-commit-labels string Json, example of global rule followed by node specific and pool specific rule: '[{'OverCommitPercent': 200, 'SnapReservePercent': 30},{'OverCommitPercent': 50, 'SnapReservePercent':30, 'LabelSelector':{'node':'node-1,node-2', 'poolLabel':'poolValue'},]'. Use '[]' to reset to default.
--px-http-proxy string proxy to be used by px services(cloudsnap, etc) (default "off")
--re-add-wait-timeout uint Timeout (in minutes) after which re-add will abort and new replication node is added instead. Set timeout to zero to disable replica move. (default 1440)
--relaxedreclaim-delete-seconds uint The number of seconds to wait before deleting the volume/snapshot staged in RelaxedReclaim queue. Set to zero to disable RelaxedReclaim.
--relaxedreclaim-max-pending uint Maximum number of volumes/snapshots that can be staged for RelaxedReclaim. (default 256)
--repl-move-timeout uint Timeout (in minutes) after which offline replicas will be moved to available nodes. Set timeout to zero to disable replica move. (default 1440)
--repl-move-timestamp-records-threshold uint Timestamp record threshold after which offline replicas will be moved to available nodes. Set threshold to zero to disable replica move. (default 134217728)
--resync-repl-add string Enable or disable repl-add based resync (Valid Values: [on off]) (default "off")
--runtime-options string Comma seprated key value pairs for runtime options
--runtime-options-action string Specify type of action for runtime options (Valid Values: [update-global delete-global update-node-specific delete-node-specific]) (default "update-global")
--runtime-options-selector string Comma seprated key value labels for node specific runtime options.
--sharedv4-mount-timeout-sec uint Timeout in seconds for sharedv4 (NFS) mount commands. (default 120)
--sharedv4-threads uint Number of sharedv4 threads. This will affect sharedv4 volume performance as well as the amount of CPU and memory consumed for handling sharedv4 volumes. (default 16)
--snapshot-schedule-option string for detached volumes none will not generate schedule snapshots, optimized will generated one, always will generate them always (Valid Values: [none always optimized]) (default "optimized")
--uniqueblocks-size-sched-interval-minutes uint Configure periodic interval (in minutes) to query unique blocks size for volumes. (default 720)
--volume-expiration-minutes uint The number of minutes a volume snapshot is retained after you delete a volume. A value greater than zero enables the trash can feature.

Global Flags:
--ca string path to root certificate for ssl usage
--cert string path to client certificate for ssl usage
--color output with color coding
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.pxctl.yaml)
--context string context name that overrides the current auth context
-j, --json output in json
--key string path to client key for ssl usage
--output-type string use "wide" to show more details
--raw raw CLI output for instrumentation
--ssl ssl enabled for portworx

Use the following command to enable optimized restores:

pxctl cluster options update --optimized-restores on
Successfully updated cluster wide options

Let's make sure the new settings were applied:

pxctl cluster options list
Auto decommission timeout (minutes)  :  20
Replica move timeout (minutes) : 1440
Internal Snapshot Interval (minutes) : 30
Re-add timeout (minutes) : 1440
Resync repl-add : off
Domain policy : strict
Optimized Restores : on

Use a network interface for cloudsnaps

By default, cloudsnaps do not use a specific network interface to upload/download the cloudsnap data. Instead, the underlying Go libraries determine the network interface. If you need to use a specific network interface, you can set one using the --cloudsnap-nw-interface option. Setting this option directs Portworx to use the specified interface for all cloudsnap related operations.

This is a cluster-wide setting, meaning that the chosen network interface must be available on all nodes. If the chosen network interface is not available, Portworx falls-back to the "no interface chosen" default behavior.

To enable this feature, enter the following pxctl cluster options update command with the --cloudsnap-nw-interface option and specify your desired network interface and confirm at the prompt:

pxctl cluster options update --cloudsnap-nw-interface <your-network-interface>
Currently cloudsnap network interface is set to :data, changing this will affect new cloudsnaps and not the current onesDo you still want to change this now? (Y/N): y
Successfully updated cluster wide options

Configure retry limit on an error

You can configure the number of retries for an error from the object store. These retries are performed with a 10-second backoff delay, followed by progressively longer delays (incrementing by 10-second intervals) between each attempt. If the object store has multiple IP addresses as the endpoints, then for a given request, the retries are done on each of these endpoints.

Set the limit by running the pxctl cluster options update command with the --cloudsnap-err-retry-limit option, as shown in the following example:

pxctl cluster options update --cloudsnap-err-retry-limit 7
Successfully updated cluster-wide options

Verify if the limit is set.

pxctl cluster options list
Auto decommission timeout (minutes)  :  20
Replica move timeout (minutes) : 1440
Internal Snapshot Interval (minutes) : 30
Re-add timeout (minutes) : 1440
Resync repl-add : off
Domain policy : strict
Optimized Restores : on
Cloudsnap Error Retry Limit : 7
  • For more information about creating and managing the snapshots of your Portworx volumes through Kubernetes, refer to the Create and use snapshots page.

pxctl cluster options update --provisioning-commit-labels reference

--provisioning-commit-labels '[{"OverCommitPercent": <percent_value>, "SnapReservePercent": <percent_value>, "LabelSelector": {"<label_key>": "<label_value>"}},{"OverCommitPercent": <percent_value>, "SnapReservePercent":<percent_value>} ]'
OverCommitPercentThe maximum storage percentage volumes can provision against backing storageAny integer over 100
SnapReservePercentThe percent of the previously specified maximum storage storage percentage that is reserved for snapshotsAny integer under 100
labelSelectorThe key values for labels or node IDs you wish to apply this rule toEnumerated string: node with a comma separated list of node IDs
Any existing label key and value.

Configure cache flush operations

On systems with a large amount of memory and heavy IO activity, system memory and page cache experience a lot of activity, resulting in significant memory pressure. On these systems, the Portworx storage process may slow down or get stuck trying to allocate memory.

To prevent Portworx from slowing or getting stuck, you can preemptively drop system memory pages which are not currently in use, i.e. pages which are inactive and not dirty.

You can configure cache flush operations for all nodes on the cluster using flags with the pxctl cluster options update command.

  • This command is intended for advanced users only.
  • This operation drops all cached pages for all devices and may impact read performance; you should only apply the config when necessary.
  • Legacy support for cache flush was enabled through an environment variable: PX_ENABLE_CACHE_FLUSH="true". As long as the cache flush feature has not been enabled, Portworx still checks for this env var when a node starts and will enable cache flushing if it's set to true. If you disable cache flush using the pxctl command, cache flush will be disabled regardless of whether the env var is set to true or not.

Enable cache flush operations

Enter the pxctl cluster options update command with the --cache-flush flag set to enabled:

pxctl cluster options update --cache-flush enabled
Successfully updated cluster wide options

Disable cache flush operations

Enter the pxctl cluster options update command with the --cache-flush flag set to disabled:

pxctl cluster options update --cache-flush disabled
Successfully updated cluster wide options

Configure the cache flush interval

Enter the pxctl cluster options update command with the --cache-flush-seconds flag followed by your desired cache flush interval in seconds:

pxctl cluster options update --cache-flush-seconds 60
Successfully updated cluster wide options

You can specify the --cache-flush-seconds flag alongside the --cache-flush flag in a single command:

pxctl cluster options update --cache-flush enabled --cache-flush-seconds 300

Check cache flush configuration

To see if cache flush is enabled and see what the current interval is, enter the pxctl cluster options list command:

pxctl cluster options list


Cache flush : enabled
Cache flush interval in seconds : 30
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