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Version: 3.2

Cloud Drives (ASG) using pxctl

Cloud Drive operations

If Portworx is managing your cloud drives, the CLI provides a set of commands that display information about your EBS volumes.

Cloud Drive Help

Run the pxctl clouddrive command with the --help flag to display the list of the available subcommands and flags.

Listing all Cloud Drives

Enter the following command to display all the cloud drives used by Portworx:

pxctl clouddrive list
Cloud Drives Summary
Number of nodes in the cluster: 3
Number of drive sets in use: 3
List of storage nodes: [ip-172-20-52-178.ec2.internal ip-172-20-53-168.ec2.internal ip-172-20-33-108.ec2.internal]
List of storage less nodes: []

Drive Set List
NodeIndex NodeID InstanceID Zone Drive IDs
0 ip-172-20-53-168.ec2.internal i-0347f50a091716c66 us-east-1a vol-0a3ff5863c7b2c2e4, vol-0f821f3e3a884e275
1 ip-172-20-33-108.ec2.internal i-089b22fc89bb11a92 us-east-1a vol-048dd9c1fd5ed421d, vol-012a4ed30013590ef
2 ip-172-20-52-178.ec2.internal i-09169ceb37b251bac us-east-1a vol-0bd9aaab0fb615351, vol-0c9f027d111844227

Inspecting Cloud Drives

To display more detailed information about the drives attached to a node, run the pxctl clouddrive inspect with the --node id flag and pass it the id of the node.

pxctl clouddrive inspect --node ip-172-20-53-168.ec2.internal
Drive Set Configuration
Number of drives in the Drive Set: 2
NodeID: ip-172-20-53-168.ec2.internal
NodeIndex: 0
InstanceID: i-0347f50a091716c66
Zone: us-east-1a

Drive 0
ID: vol-0a3ff5863c7b2c2e4
Type: io1
Size: 16 Gi
Iops: 100
Path: /dev/xvdf

Drive 1
ID: vol-0f821f3e3a884e275
Type: gp2
Size: 8 Gi
Iops: 100
Path: /dev/xvdg

Transfer cloud drives to a storageless node

The pxctl clouddrive transfer operation allows you to move your cloud drives from an existing node to a storageless node using a single command. Using this command, you can transfer cloud drives to new nodes more quickly and with fewer steps than manually detaching, then reattaching cloud drives.

The pxctl clouddrive transfer command works by:

  1. Putting your storage pools in maintenance mode
  2. Detaching the cloud drive from the source node
  3. Attaching it to the destination node
  4. Ending maintenance mode
  • This command is only supported on Google cloud.
  • This is not supported when Portworx is installed using an internal KVDB.

Initiate a cloud drive transfer to a storageless node

Perform the following steps to transfer cloud drives to a storageless node:

  1. Create replacement nodes and add them to your cluster, or identify an existing storageless node you want to transfer your cloud storage drives to.

  2. Enter the pxctl clouddrive transfer submit command, specifying the following options:

    • The -s flag with the ID of the Portworx node that currently owns the drive set. This is the 'NodeID' displayed in the output of the 'pxctl clouddrive list' command.

    • Optional: The -d flag with the ID of the instance you want to transfer the drive set to. You can find the instance ID of your node by entering the pxctl clouddrive list command. The destination instance must be a storageless node (i.e. have no Drive IDs) and in the same zone, if your cluster has zones.

    pxctl clouddrive transfer submit -s <source-node-ID> -d <dest-node-ID>
    Request to transfer clouddrive submitted, Check status using: pxctl cd transfer status -i 123456789

Once you start a cloud drive transfer, the operation will run in the background.

View all running cloud drive transfer jobs

If you need to see a list of all running cloud drive transfer jobs, enter the pxctl clouddrive transfer list command:

pxctl clouddrive transfer list
JOB                     TYPE                    STATE   CREATE TIME                     SOURCE                                  DESTINATION                                STATUS
185053872653979650 CLOUD_DRIVE_TRANSFER DONE 2020-12-01T11:32:36.476277607Z xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-5ee7eb9612f7 gke-user-cd-transfer-default-pool-bf423c1c-d7w5 cloud driveset transfer completed successfully
786018947866995085 CLOUD_DRIVE_TRANSFER DONE 2020-12-01T10:49:33.507921219Z xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-abcd12b5d661 gke-user-cd-transfer-default-pool-abcd11a5-5hb8 cloud driveset transfer completed successfully

Monitor the status of a cloud drive transfer

If you want to monitor the status of a specific running cloud drive transfer job, enter the pxctl clouddrive transfer status command with the --job-id flag and the ID of the job you want to see the status of:

pxctl clouddrive transfer status --job-id 185053872653979650
Cloud Transfer Job Status:

Job ID : 185053872653979650
Job State : DONE
Last updated : Tue, 01 Dec 2020 11:34:09 UTC
Transfer Source : xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-5ee7eb9612f7
Transfer Destination : gke-user-cd-transfer-default-pool-abcd3c1c-d7w5
Status : cloud driveset transfer completed successfully

Command reference: pxctl clouddrive transfer

pxctl clouddrive transfer

Command syntax
pxctl clouddrive transfer [FLAG]
pxctl clouddrive transfer [COMMAND]
-h, --helpHelp for transfer

pxctl clouddrive transfer list

Command syntax
pxctl clouddrive transfer list [FLAG]
-h, --helpHelp for list

pxctl clouddrive transfer status

Command syntax
pxctl clouddrive transfer status [FLAG]
-h, --helphelp for status
-i, --job-id (string)The ID of the job you want to view the status for. (Required)

pxctl clouddrive transfer submit

Command syntax
pxctl clouddrive transfer submit [FLAG]
-d, --dest (string)ID of the instance who should own the drive set. This is the InstanceID displayed in the output of the pxctl clouddrive list command. The destination instance needs to be a storageless node (with no Drive IDs) and in the same zone (if your cluster has zones). This is optional and if not provided, an online storageless node will be used.
-h, --helphelp for submit
-s, --src (string)(Required) ID of the Portworx node who currently owns the drive set. This is the NodeID displayed in the output of the pxctl clouddrive list command.