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Version: 2.7

Volume Snapshot Class matrix

VolumeSnapshotClass (VSC) provides a way to describe the "classes" of storage when provisioning a volume snapshot. You need to map a VSC (default or non-default) to your storage provisioner while taking a CSI backup in Portworx Backup.

Some Kubernetes providers provide a default VSC while some do not. Refer respective provider documentation on how to create a VSC if default VSC does not exist. Refer Volume Snapshots and VolumeSnapshotClass to learn more on how to create a VSC.

Refer the following table to understand the VSC status in different cloud platforms:

PlatformVSC StatusReference
AzureDefault VSC does not exist, you need to create a VSCCreate a VSC on Azure
EKSDefault VSC does not exist, you need to create a VSCCreate a VSC on EKS
GKEDefault VSC existsGKE volume snapshots
IKSDefault VSC existsIBM volume snapshots
OCPDefault VSC is created only if ODF is installed on application clusterOCP volume snapshots
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