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Version: 3.1



Always use the latest storkctl binary tool by downloading it from the current running Stork container.

Perform the following steps to download storkctl from the Stork pod:

  • Linux:

    STORK_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n <namespace> -l name=stork -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') &&
    kubectl cp -n <px-namespace> $STORK_POD:/storkctl/linux/storkctl ./storkctl
    sudo mv storkctl /usr/local/bin &&
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/storkctl
  • OS X:

    STORK_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n <namespace> -l name=stork -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') &&
    kubectl cp -n <px-namespace> $STORK_POD:/storkctl/darwin/storkctl ./storkctl
    sudo mv storkctl /usr/local/bin &&
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/storkctl
  • Windows:

    1. Copy storkctl.exe from the stork pod:

      STORK_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n <px-namespace> -l name=stork -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') &&
      kubectl cp -n <px-namespace> $STORK_POD:/storkctl/windows/storkctl.exe ./storkctl.exe
    2. Move storkctl.exe to a directory in your PATH.