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Version: 3.1

Kubernetes disaster recovery and migration docs - migration common


If there is a failure or you want more information about what resources were migrated you can describe the migration object using kubectl:

kubectl describe migration <migrationschedulename> -n <migrationnamespace>
Name:         zoomigrationschedule-interval-2022-12-12-220239
Namespace: zookeeper
Labels: <none>
Annotations: zoomigrationschedule
API Version:
Kind: Migration
Creation Timestamp: 2022-12-12T22:02:39Z
Generation: 202
Managed Fields:
API Version:
Fields Type: FieldsV1
Manager: stork
Operation: Update
Time: 2022-12-12T22:02:40Z
Owner References:
API Version:
Kind: MigrationSchedule
Name: zoomigrationschedule
UID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8d7763d99ed1
Resource Version: 31906052
UID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-59951662ab0b
Admin Cluster Pair:
Cluster Pair: remotecluster
Include Network Policy With CIDR: false
Include Optional Resource Types: <nil>
Include Resources: true
Include Volumes: true
Post Exec Rule:
Pre Exec Rule:
Purge Deleted Resources: false
Selectors: <nil>
Skip Deleted Namespaces: <nil>
Skip Service Update: false
Start Applications: false
Finish Timestamp: 2022-12-12T22:04:40Z
Resource Migration Finish Timestamp: 2022-12-12T22:04:40Z
Group: core
Kind: PersistentVolume
Name: pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-3eb37adcfb2d
Reason: Resource migrated successfully
Status: Successful
Version: v1
Group: core
Kind: PersistentVolume
Name: pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8e61641b1a8c
Reason: Resource migrated successfully
Status: Successful
Version: v1
Group: core
Kind: PersistentVolume
Name: pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-cf13bc14a77e
Reason: Resource migrated successfully
Status: Successful
Version: v1
Group: core
Kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
Name: datadir-zk-0
Namespace: zookeeper
Reason: Resource migrated successfully
Status: Successful
Version: v1
Group: core
Kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
Name: datadir-zk-1
Namespace: zookeeper
Reason: Resource migrated successfully
Status: Successful
Version: v1
Group: core
Kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
Name: datadir-zk-2
Namespace: zookeeper
Reason: Resource migrated successfully
Status: Successful
Version: v1
Group: core
Kind: Service
Name: zk-cs
Namespace: zookeeper
Reason: Resource migrated successfully
Status: Successful
Version: v1
Group: core
Kind: Service
Name: zk-hs
Namespace: zookeeper
Reason: Resource migrated successfully
Status: Successful
Version: v1
Group: apps
Kind: StatefulSet
Name: zk
Namespace: zookeeper
Reason: Resource migrated successfully
Status: Successful
Version: v1
Group: policy
Kind: PodDisruptionBudget
Name: zk-pdb
Namespace: zookeeper
Reason: Resource migrated successfully
Status: Successful
Version: v1
Stage: Final
Status: Successful
Elapsed Time For Resource Migration: 7s
Elapsed Time For Volume Migration: 1m54s
Num Of Migrated Resources: 10
Num Of Migrated Volumes: 3
Total Bytes Migrated: 12288
Total Number Of Resources: 10
Total Number Of Volumes: 3
Volume Migration Finish Timestamp: 2022-12-12T22:04:33Z
Bytes Total: 4096
Namespace: zookeeper
Persistent Volume Claim: datadir-zk-0
Reason: Migration successful for volume
Status: Successful
Volume: pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-3eb37adcfb2d
Bytes Total: 4096
Namespace: zookeeper
Persistent Volume Claim: datadir-zk-1
Reason: Migration successful for volume
Status: Successful
Volume: pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8e61641b1a8c
Bytes Total: 4096
Namespace: zookeeper
Persistent Volume Claim: datadir-zk-2
Reason: Migration successful for volume
Status: Successful
Volume: pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-cf13bc14a77e
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning Failed 20m stork Error migrating volumes: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "zoomigrationschedule-interval-2022-12-12-220239": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
Normal Successful 19m (x13 over 19m) stork Volume pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-3eb37adcfb2d migrated successfully
Normal Successful 19m (x11 over 19m) stork Volume pvc-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8e61641b1a8c migrated successfully

Pre and Post Exec rules

Similar to snapshots, a PreExec and PostExec rule can be specified when creating a Migration object. This will result in the PreExec rule being run before the migration is triggered and the PostExec rule to be run after the Migration has been triggered. If the rules do not exist, the Migration will log an event and will stop.

If the PreExec rule fails for any reason, it will log an event against the object and retry. The Migration will not be marked as failed.

If the PostExec rule fails for any reason, it will log an event and mark the Migration as failed. It will also try to cancel the migration that was started from the underlying storage driver.

In the example below with mysql, to add pre and post rules to our migration, we could edit our migration.yaml file like this:

kind: Migration
name: mysqlmigration
namespace: mysql
clusterPair: remotecluster
includeResources: true
startApplications: true
preExecRule: mysql-pre-rule
postExecRule: mysql-post-rule
- mysql

Advanced Operations