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Version: 3.1

Configure on Docker (shared)

Now that you have downloaded and installed the Portworx OCI bundle, you can use the px-runc install command from the bundle to configure your installation.

The px-runc command is a helper tool that configures and runs the Portworx runC container.

The following example shows how you can use px-runc to install Portworx::

sudo /opt/pwx/bin/px-runc install -c MY_CLUSTER_ID \
-k etcd:// \
-s /dev/xvdb -s /dev/xvdc

Command-line arguments

Below is the list of arguments you can pass to px-runc:

General options
-c <id>                   [REQUIRED] Specifies the cluster ID that this PX instance is to join
-k <kvdb://host:port> [REQUIRED] Points to your key value database, such as an etcd cluster
-b Use in-built kvdb. Provide the kvdb endpoints required for bootstrap with -k option.
-s <device path> [REQUIRED unless -a/-A are used] Specify storage devices that PX should use for storing the data
-xs <omit device path> Specify storage devices that PX should NOT use for storing the data (useful with -a/-A)
-T <type> Specify backend storage type (<type> is mdraid or lvm)
-cache [<device path>] Specify storage devices that PX should use for caching
-dedicated_cache Constrain cache drive assignment from given -cache drives only
-j <device path> Specify storage device that PX should use for storing the journal data
-metadata <device path> Specify storage device that PX should use for storing the system meta data
-kvdb_dev <device path> Specify storage device that PX should use for storing internal kvdb data
-oci <dir> Specify OCI directory (dfl: /opt/pwx/oci)
-sysd <file> Specify SystemD service file (dfl: /etc/systemd/system/portworx.service)
-e key=value Specify extra environment variables
-v <dir:dir[:shared,ro]> Specify extra mounts
-d <ethX> Specify the data network interface
-m <ethX> Specify the management network interface
-z Instructs PX to run in zero storage mode
-f Instructs PX to use an unmounted drive even if it has a filesystem on it
-a Instructs PX to use any available, unused and unmounted drives
-A Instructs PX to use any available, unused and unmounted drives or partitions
-x <swarm|kubernetes> Specify scheduler type (if PX running in scheduler environment)
-r <startport> Start of the portrange Portworx will use for communication (dfl: 9001)
-marketplace_name [OPTIONAL] pass in the marketplace name if installing via a 3rd party marketplace
KVDB options
-userpwd <user:passwd>    Username and password for ETCD authentication
-ca <file> Specify location of CA file for ETCD authentication
-cert <file> Specify location of certificate for ETCD authentication
-key <file> Specify location of certificate key for ETCD authentication
-kvdb_cluster_size <#> Size of the internal kvdb cluster (dfl: 3)
-kvdb_recovery Starts the nodes in kvdb recovery mode
Cluster domain options
-cluster_domain <name>    Cluster Domain Name for this cluster
PX-API options
# px-api-ssl-options:
-apirootca <file> Specify self-signed root CA certificate file
-apicert <file> Specify node certificate file
-apikey <file> Specify node certificate key file
-apidisclientauth Disable api client authentication
# px-authentication-options:
-oidc_issuer <URL> Location of OIDC service (e.g.
-oidc_client_id <id> Client id provided by the OIDC
-oidc_custom_claim_namespace OIDC namespace for custom claims
-jwt_issuer <val> JSON Web Token issuer (e.g.
-jwt_rsa_pubkey_file <file> JSON Web Token RSA Public file path
-jwt_ecds_pubkey_file <file> JSON Web Token ECDS Public file path
-username_claim <claim> Claim key from the token to use as the unique id of the user (<claim> is sub, email or name; dfl: sub)
Volume options
-disable-sharedv4         Disable sharedv4 volume support. When set, NFS dependencies will not be installed.
CSI options
-csiversion <ver>         Specify which CSI version to use (<ver> is 1.0 or 0.3; dfl: 1.0)
secrets options
-secret_type <type>       Specify the secrets type (<type> is aws-kms, dcos, docker, ibm-kp, k8s, kvdb, vault, gcloud-kms or azure-kv)
-cluster_secret_key <id> Specify cluster-wide secret ID
Auto-scaling group options
-max_drive_set_count <#>         Specify maximum number of drive sets PX can create
-max_storage_nodes_per_zone <#> Specify the maximum number of storage nodes per zone in PX cluster
-node_pool_label <key> Specify the scheduler node label key with which nodes are grouped into node pools
Resource control options
--cpus <#.#>                  Specify maximum number of CPUs Portworx can use (e.g. --cpus=1.5)
--cpu-shares <#> Specify CPU shares (relative weight)
--cpuset-cpus <val> Specify CPUs in which to allow execution (<val> is range <#-#>, or sequence <#,#>)
--memory <bytes> Specify maximum amount of memory Portworx can use
--memory-reservation <bytes> Specify memory reservation soft limit (must be smaller than '--memory')
--memory-swap <bytes> Specify maximum amount of RAM+SWAP memory Portworx can use
--memory-swappiness <0-100> Specify percentage of container's anonymous pages host can swap out
Environment variables
PX_HTTP_PROXY          If running behind an HTTP proxy, set the PX_HTTP_PROXY variables to your HTTP proxy.
PX_HTTPS_PROXY If running behind an HTTPS proxy, set the PX_HTTPS_PROXY variables to your HTTPS proxy.
PX_ENABLE_CACHE_FLUSH To enable cache flush daemon, set PX_ENABLE_CACHE_FLUSH=true.

You can set the environment variables using the -e option.

For example, to set the PX_ENABLE_CACHE_FLUSH environment variable to true, run the following command:

sudo /opt/pwx/bin/px-runc install -e PX_ENABLE_CACHE_FLUSH=yes \
-c MY_CLUSTER_ID -k etcd:// -s /dev/xvdb


Install Portworx using etcd:

px-runc install -k etcd:// -c MY_CLUSTER_ID -s /dev/sdc -s /dev/sdb2 {{ include.sched-flags }}
px-runc install -k etcd://X.X.X.65:2379 -c MY_CLUSTER_ID -s /dev/sdc -m eth1 -d eth2 {{ include.sched-flags }}

Modify the Portworx configuration

After the initial installation, you can modify the Portworx configuration file at /etc/pwx/config.json. See the schema definition page for more details. Once you're done making changes to the Portworx configuration file, restart Portworx by running:

systemctl restart portworx