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Version: 2.7

TKGS cluster prerequisites


Prerequisites to install Portworx Backup on TKGS

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service (TKGS) administrators can create deployments, StatefulSets, and DaemonSet (privileged pods) in the kube-system and default namespace, but cannot create in other namespaces. For example, Portworx Backup deployment in the central namespace fails, because Tanzu Kubernetes clusters include the default PodSecurityPolicy.

  1. Create a namespace called central:
kubectl create ns central
  1. Before you deploy Portworx Backup, for example in the central namespace, you need to create a role-binding for privileged and restricted workload deployment using the below commands.

a. If your Kubernetes version is below 1.25, execute the following command :

kubectl create rolebinding rolebinding-default-privileged-sa-ns_default --namespace=central --clusterrole=psp:vmware-system-privileged --group=system:serviceaccounts

b. If your Kubernetes version is 1.25 and above, run this command:

kubectl label ns px-backup

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