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Version: 3.1

Autopilot Install and Setup

Follow the steps in the following sections to install and configure Autopilots.


Autopilot requires a running Prometheus instance in your cluster. If you don't have Prometheus configured in your cluster, refer to the Monitoring section to set it up.

Once you have it installed, find the Prometheus service endpoint in your cluster. Depending on how you installed Prometheus, the precise steps to find this may vary. In most clusters, you can find a service named Prometheus:

kubectl get service -n portworx prometheus
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
prometheus LoadBalancer X.X.X.0 9090:30613/TCP 11d

In the example above, http://prometheus:9090 becomes the Prometheus endpoint. Portworx uses this endpoint in the Autopilot Configuration section.


Why http://prometheus:9090 ?

prometheus is the name of the Kubernetes service for Prometheus in the portworx namespace. Since Autopilot also runs as a pod in the portworx namespace, it can access Prometheus using its Kubernetes service name and port.

Configuring the ConfigMap

Replace http://prometheus:9090 in the following ConfigMap with your Prometheus service endpoint, if it is different. Once replaced, apply this ConfigMap in your cluster:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: autopilot-config
namespace: portworx
config.yaml: |-
- name: default
type: prometheus
params: url=http://prometheus:9090
min_poll_interval: 2

Install Autopilot

To install Autopilot, fetch the Autopilot manifest from the Portworx spec generator by clicking here and apply it in your cluster.

Autopilot with PX-Security

If you're installing Autopilot with PX-Security using the Operator, you must modify the StorageCluster yaml. Add the following PX_SHARED_SECRET env var to the autopilot section:

key: apps-secret
name: px-system-secrets

Customize Autopilot install

You can customize the Autopilot installation by adding configuration parameters to the Autopilot spec within your Portworx StorageCluster manifest. Here is an example on how to modify your Portworx StorageCluster spec to add these configurations for customizing your Autopilot install:

enabled: true
image: portworx/autopilot:1.3.14
- name: default
url: http://px-prometheus:9090
type: prometheus
log-level: debug

Upgrade Autopilot

To upgrade Autopilot, change the image tag in the deployment with the kubectl set image command. The following example upgrades Autopilot to the 1.3.0 version:

kubectl set image deployment.v1.apps/autopilot -n portworx autopilot=portworx/autopilot:1.3.0
deployment.apps/autopilot image updated

The command above assumes Autopilot is installed in the portworx namespace. Change the namespace according to where it's installed in your cluster.

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