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Version: 3.1

pxctl storage-policy

pxctl storage-policy

pxctl storage-policy


Manage storage policies for creating volumes


pxctl storage-policy create --replication 2,min --periodic 60,10 devpolicy

pxctl storage-policy create

pxctl storage-policy create <required-argument>


Create a storage policy


pxctl storage-policy create [flags] policy-name





sticky volumes cannot be deleted until the flag is disabled

--periodic, -p


periodic snapshot interval in `mins,k` (keeps 5 by default), 0 disables all schedule snapshots

--daily, -d


daily snapshot at specified `hh:mm,k` (keeps 7 by default)

--weekly, -w


weekly snapshot at specified `weekday@hh:mm,k` (keeps 5 by default)

--monthly, -m


monthly snapshot at specified `day@hh:mm,k` (keeps 12 by default)

--replication, -r


replication factor `repl,max/min` (replication is equal by default)



Journal data for volume

--aggregation_level, -a


aggregation level

Valid values:
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • auto

Default value: 1



policy names separated by comma



encrypt volumes using AES-256



make a globally shared namespace volumes



IO Profile

Valid values:
  • sequential
  • cms
  • db

Default value: sequential



Force volume creation to fail if storage policy rules not followed by volume



Allow volume to update without storage policy restriction

pxctl storage-policy delete

pxctl storage-policy delete <required-argument>


Delete a storage policy


pxctl storage-policy delete policy-name



pxctl storage-policy update

pxctl storage-policy update <required-argument>


Update a storage policy


pxctl storage-policy update [flags] policy-name



--periodic, -p


periodic snapshot interval in `mins,k` (keeps 5 by default), 0 disables all schedule snapshots

--daily, -d


daily snapshot at specified `hh:mm,k` (keeps 7 by default)

--weekly, -w


weekly snapshot at specified `weekday@hh:mm,k` (keeps 5 by default)

--monthly, -m


monthly snapshot at specified `day@hh:mm,k` (keeps 12 by default)

--replication, -r


replication factor `repl,max/min` (replication is equal by default)



set sticky setting



Journal data for volumes

--aggregation_level, -a


aggregation level

Valid values:
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • auto

Default value: 1



policy names separated by comma



encrypt volumes using AES-256



make a globally shared namespace volumes



IO Profile

Valid values:
  • sequential
  • cms
  • db

Default value: sequential



Force volume creation to fail if storage policy rules not followed by volume



Allow volume to update without storage policy restriction

pxctl storage-policy list

pxctl storage-policy list


List all storage policies

pxctl storage-policy inspect

pxctl storage-policy inspect <required-argument>


Inspect a storage policy.


pxctl storage-policy inspect policyName

pxctl storage-policy set-default

pxctl storage-policy set-default


Set storage policy as default policy


pxctl storage-policy set-default policyName

pxctl storage-policy unset-default

pxctl storage-policy unset-default


Remove default storage policy restriction


pxctl storage-policy unset-default

pxctl storage-policy access

pxctl storage-policy access


This command manages access permissions to a storage policy. There are two ways to provide access, one is by adding a group and the other is by adding a specific user as a collaborator. When adding a collaborator, you must use the unique id of the user. Please consult with your admin on how to obtain the unique id of the user. ACCESS TYPES When adding a group or collaborator, an access type must also be given, which can be either Read, Write, or Admin. A Read access type allows access to the storage policy without modifying it. With a Read access type, one can list or inspect the storage policy. A Write access type allows modification of the storage policy and its volume specs, for example allowing to create, update stirage policy in adition to all Read access. An Admin access type allows full access to the storage policy, like deleting the storage in addition to all Write access. Note only system admin can set/release default storage policy restriction on cluster SETTING ACCESS TYPES To set access types, add the following suffix to the group or collaborator separated by a colon ':' r - For Read access type w - For Write access type a - For Admin access type


Add group1 for read access
pxctl stp access add --group group1:r
Add group2 for write access
pxctl stp access add --group group2:w
Add user1 for admin access using the id of user1
pxctl stp access add --collaborator user1Id:a
Remove user1 access using the id of user1
pxctl stp access remove --collaborator user1Id
Set the access using one command. This clears any previous settings and updates it with
the following
pxctl stp access update --groups group1:r,group2:w --collaborators user1Id:a

pxctl storage-policy access show

pxctl storage-policy access show


List the owner and storage policy ACLS


pxctl storage-policy access show [flags] policyName

pxctl storage-policy access add

pxctl storage-policy access add


Adds a single group or collaborator


pxctl storage-policy access add [flags] policyName



--group, -g


group to add with access type. See storage-policy access help for more information

--collaborator, -c


collaborator to add with access type. Must be the unique id of the user. See storage-policy access for more information

pxctl storage-policy access remove

pxctl storage-policy access remove


Removes a single group or collaborator


pxctl storage-policy access remove [flags] policyName



--group, -g


group to remove

--collaborator, -c


collaborator to remove

pxctl storage-policy access update

pxctl storage-policy access update


Update the owner and/or complete set of storage policy ACLS


pxctl storage policy access update [flags] policyName



--owner, -o


username of the desired owner. Only an administrator can change this value.

--groups, -g


list of comma-separated group names with access type. See storage-policy access for more information

--collaborators, -c


list of comma-separated collaborator names with access type. See storage policy access for more information

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