🗃️ pxctl reference
18 items
🗃️ storkctl reference
2 items
🗃️ Create and Manage Volumes
1 item
🗃️ lsctl
5 items
📄️ PX-Fast volumes
Provides pxctl command operations for PX-Fast volumes
📄️ Basics
General reference for CLI, Volumes and other resources.
📄️ Convert shared legacy volumes
learn how you can convert the legacy shared volumes to sharedv4 service volumes.
📄️ Updating Volumes using pxctl
Updating volumes is done simply with Portworx. Use the pxctl volume update command to update a specific parameters. Try today!
📄️ Cluster Operations
This guide shows you how to use the pxctl to perform cluster operations.
📄️ Snapshots
Learn how to manage snapshots using pxctl
📄️ Cluster status
Get a summary of your cluster's status
📄️ Volume trash can
Explanation of the trash can feature
📄️ Group Snaps
Explore the CLI reference guide for taking group snapshots of container data volumes using Portworx. Try it today!
📄️ Snapshot Schedule Policies
Learn how to manage snapshot schedule policies using pxctl
📄️ Cloud Credentials
Trying to create, list, validate or delete credentials for cloud providers? Follow this step-by-step tutorial from Portworx!
📄️ Cloud Snaps
Learn to take a cloud snapshot of a Portworx volume using pxctl and use that snapshot
📄️ Manage secrets
Manage your secrets using pxctl
📄️ Cloud Drives (ASG)
General reference for CLI Cloud Drives on ASG.
📄️ Cloud Migrations
Learn to migrate volumes between clusters using pxctl
📄️ Storage Policy
Manage Portworx storage policies
📄️ Encrypted Volumes
This guide will give you an overview of how to use the Encryption feature for Portworx volumes.