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Version: 3.1

pxctl cloudsnap

pxctl cloudsnap

pxctl cloudsnap


Backup and restore snapshots to/from cloud

pxctl cloudsnap backup

pxctl cloudsnap backup <required-argument>


Backup a snapshot to cloud


/opt/pwx/bin/pxctl cloudsnap backup [flags] volName





list of comma-separated name=value `pairs`

--full, -f


Force a full backup

--delete-local, -d


Deletes local snap created for backup after backup is done, also forces next backup to be full



Cloud credentials ID to be used for the backup

--frequency, -i


Maximum number of incremental cloudsnaps after which full is forced, default 7

pxctl cloudsnap backup-group

pxctl cloudsnap backup-group


Backup a group of snapshot for a given list of volumes, group id, or labels to cloud





group id



Force a full backup

Default value: false

--delete-local, -d


Deletes local snap created for backup after backup is done, also forces next backup to be full



Cloud credentials ID to be used for the backup



list of comma-separated name=value `pairs`

--volume_ids, -v


list of comma-separated volume IDs

pxctl cloudsnap restore

pxctl cloudsnap restore


Restore volume to a cloud snapshot



--volume, -v


Volume name to be created for restore

--snap, -s


Cloud-snap id to restore



Cloud credentials ID to be used for the restore

--repl, -r


replication factor(If not specified, inherits cloudsnaps repl factor)

Default value: 1

Valid range:
    1 3



IO Priority(If not specified, inherits cloudsnap's IO Priority)

Valid values:
  • high
  • medium
  • low

Default value: low

--label, -l


list of comma-separated name=value `pairs`

--queue_depth, -q


block device queue depth(If not specified, inherits cloudsnap's queuedepth)

Default value: 128

Valid range:
    1 256

--aggregation_level, -a


aggregation level(If not specified, inherits cloudsnap's aggregation level)

Valid values:
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • auto

Default value: 1



comma-separated Node Ids or Pool Ids



comma-separated Zone names



comma-separated Rack names



provision the restore volume on same pools as the source volume(src volume must exist)



requested nodes, zones, racks are optional



storage policy name(If not specified, inherits cloudsnap's storage policy)



Journal data for this volume(If not specified, inherits cloudsnap's journal option)



Disable discard support for this volume(If not specified, inherits cloudsnap's discard option)



IO Profile((defaults to cloudsnap's IO Profile)

Valid values:
  • sequential
  • cms
  • sync_shared
  • db
  • db_remote

Default value: sequential



sticky volumes cannot be deleted until the flag is disabled(if not specified, inherits cloudsnap's sticky option)

--group, -g





enforce group during provision



make this a globally shared namespace volume(If not specified, inherits cloudsnap's shared option)



set sharedv4 setting(if not specified, inherits cloudsnap's sharedv4 option)

--periodic, -p


periodic snapshot interval in `mins,k` (keeps 5 by default), 0 disables all schedule snapshots

--daily, -d


daily snapshot at specified `hh:mm,k` (keeps 7 by default)

--weekly, -w


weekly snapshot at specified `weekday@hh:mm,k` (keeps 5 by default)

--monthly, -m


monthly snapshot at specified `day@hh:mm,k` (keeps 12 by default)



Enable fastpath IO support for this volume(If not specified, inherits cloudsnap's fastpath option)



secret_key used to decrypt an encrypted volume



Secret options is used to pass specific secret parameters. Usage: --secret_options=k1=v1,k2=v2

pxctl cloudsnap list

pxctl cloudsnap list


List snapshot in cloud



--src, -s


Optional source volume to list cloud backups



Cloud credentials ID to be used for the backup

--deleted-source-vol, -d


List cloudsnaps of volumes no longer in cluster(deleted source volumes)

--cluster, -c


Optional Cluster ID or Bucket name to list cloud backups. Current cluster-id is default

--migration, -m


Optional, lists migration related cloudbackups

--status, -t


Optional backup status(failed. aborted, stopped) to list cloud backups; Defaults to Done



Optional list of comma-separated name=value `pairs` to match with cloudsnap metadata

--max, -x


Optional number to limit display of backups in each page

--all, -a


List cloud backups of all clusters in cloud

--paginate, -p


Paginate list with user input to continue

--cloudsnap-id, -i


Optional cloudsnap id to list(lists a single entry)

pxctl cloudsnap status

pxctl cloudsnap status


Report status of active backups/restores



--name, -n


Optional task name to list status

--src, -s


Optional source volume to list backup/restore task status

--local, -l


Node's local cloud-snaps(not cluster-wide) status

pxctl cloudsnap history

pxctl cloudsnap history


Show history of cloudsnap operations



--src, -s


Optional source volume to list history

pxctl cloudsnap stop

pxctl cloudsnap stop


stop an active backup/restore



--name, -n


Name of active backup/restore

This flag is required.

pxctl cloudsnap schedules

pxctl cloudsnap schedules


Manage schedules for cloud-snaps

pxctl cloudsnap schedules create

pxctl cloudsnap schedules create


Create a cloud-snap schedule for a volume


/opt/pwx/bin/pxctl cloudsnap schedules create [flags] volName



--max, -x


Maximum number of cloud snaps to maintain, default 7

Default value: 7

--retention, -r


Retention period for cloud snaps in number of days

--full, -f


Force scheduled backups to be full always

--periodic, -p


Cloudsnap interval in minutes

--daily, -d


Daily snapshot at specified hh:mm (UTC)

--weekly, -w


Weekly snapshot at specified weekday@hh:mm (UTC)

--monthly, -m


Monthly snapshot at specified day@hh:mm (UTC)



Cloud credentials ID to be used for the backup

pxctl cloudsnap schedules delete

pxctl cloudsnap schedules delete


Delete a cloud-snap schedule





UUID of schedule to be deleted

pxctl cloudsnap schedules list

pxctl cloudsnap schedules list


List the configured cloud-snap schedules

pxctl cloudsnap schedules update

pxctl cloudsnap schedules update


update cloud-snap schedule for a volume


/opt/pwx/bin/pxctl cloudsnap schedules update -i <uuid> [flags]



--uuid, -i


uuid of the schedule being updated

This flag is required.

--max, -x


Maximum number of cloud snaps to maintain, default 7

Default value: 7

--retention, -r


Retention period for cloud snaps in number of days

--full, -f


Force scheduled backups to be full always

--periodic, -p


Cloudsnap interval in minutes

--daily, -d


Daily snapshot at specified hh:mm (UTC)

--weekly, -w


Weekly snapshot at specified weekday@hh:mm (UTC)

--monthly, -m


Monthly snapshot at specified day@hh:mm (UTC)



Cloud credentials ID to be used for the backup

pxctl cloudsnap catalog

pxctl cloudsnap catalog


Display catalog for the backup in cloud



--snap, -s


Cloud Backup ID to display the catalog



Cloud credentials ID to be used for the operation

pxctl cloudsnap delete

pxctl cloudsnap delete


Delete a cloudsnap from the objectstore. This is not reversible.



--snap, -s


ID of cloudsnap



Cloud credentials ID to be used for the operation

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