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Version: 3.1

pxctl auth

pxctl auth

pxctl auth


Portworx pxctl token based authentication and authorization commands

pxctl auth token

pxctl auth token


Manage tokens for use by pxctl


pxctl auth token <command> <command flags>

pxctl auth token generate

pxctl auth token generate


Generate a self signed token based on a specified configuration yaml. The configuration defines your identity, roles, and groups to be used when generating a token. e.g. name: Jim Stevens sub: email: roles: ["system.user"] groups: ["px-engineering", "kubernetes-csi"]


pxctl auth token generate --auth-config=<authconfig.yaml> --issuer <issuer> --ecdsa-private-keyfile <ecdsa key file> OR --rsa-private-keyfile <rsa key file> OR --shared-secret <secret>





Auth account information file providing email, name, etc.

This flag is required.



ECDSA Private file to sign token



Issuer name of token. Do not use https:// in the issuer since it could indicate that this is an OpenID Connect issuer.

This flag is required.



Output token to file instead of standard out



RSA Private file to sign token



Shared secret to sign token



Duration of time where the token will be valid. Postfix the duration by using s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, and y for years.

Default value: 1d