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Version: 2.6

Delete stranded clusters


  • Ensure that the restores and schedules (backup schedules) are deleted before you delete a cluster.

If you are a default admin user, you can now view the clusters created by the non-admin users along with their username in the Portworx Backup home page:

To view the cluster created by non-admin user:

  1. Login and access Portworx Backup home page.

Home page


As an admin user you will only have partial access for the clusters created by non-admin users.

  1. Navigate to the required cluster based on the OWNER column.

  2. Click vertical ellipsis at the end of the row and then select Remove to delete the required cluster:

Delete cluster

  1. If you are sure you want to delete that cluster, select Confirm Deletion and click Delete.

Confirm deletion

Stranded clusters are deleted from the system permanently, releasing the occupied storage resources.

  • Portworx Backup displays metrics data for the clusters owned by the users of the px-admin-group. The user interface provides more structured and secure viewing experience for these users, ensuring they access metrics data relevant to their owned clusters.

  • For clusters not owned (non-owned cluster) by the users of px-admin-group group, the metrics data is represented by a placeholder symbol -.

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