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Version: 2.6

Backup Elasticsearch on Kubernetes

You can use the instructions on this page to create pre and post backup rules with Portworx Backup to take application-consistent backups for Elasticsearch on Kubernetes in production.

The Elasticsearch data directory is used to prevent permanent data loss and is typically located at /user/share/elasticsearch/data inside the Kubernetes pod. This will also enable Portworx Backup to back up and restore the data stored in this location.

Before using this guide, make sure you configure PVCs for elasticsearch-data. Use the following file as an example:

kind: Elasticsearch
name: elasticsearch
version: 7.7.0
- name: default
count: 3
appname: "elastisearch-app"
- name: elasticsearch
- name: elasticsearch-backups
mountPath: /usr/share/elasticsearch/backups
- name: elasticsearch-backups
claimName: elasticsearch-backups
- metadata:
name: elasticsearch-data
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 5Gi
storageClassName: elastic-pwx-storage-class
node.master: true true
node.ingest: true false
path.repo: ["/usr/share/elasticsearch/backups"]

Elasticsearch can also create a snapshot repository to store index snapshots produced by the internal snapshot and restore API. For this, the above template uses a Portworx shared volume and named elasticsearch-backups to create a shared file-system across all Elasticsearch nodes to be used to store the index snapshots.



If you have not used Portworx, Portworx Backup, or run Data services on Kubernetes it is a good idea to review the following information:

  • The template above can not be used alone. Please follow prerequisites from the following Elastic on kubernetes operations guide.
  • The rules below will use a username elastic and password specific to the environment. You will need to modify the rule to use your username and password for your environment.
  • You should mount a PVC to the elasticsearch data directory. This is typically located at /user/share/elasticsearch/data.

If your Elasticsearch version is 7.7 and lower, you need to create pre exec and post exec rules to back up Elasticsearch data.

Create rules for Elasticsearch

Create rules for Elasticsearch that will run both before and after the backup operation runs:

Create a pre-exec backup rule for Elasticsearch

For the pre-backup rule you will create a rule that performs multiple actions.

  • Freeze the index
  • Flush all indexes in Elasticsearch
  • Create an Elasticsearch index snapshot of all indexes

Create the rule.

  1. Navigate to SettingsRulesAdd New.

  2. Add a name for your Rule.

  3. Add the following app label:

  4. Add the following action:

    curl -X POST -u "elastic:<password>" -k "https://elasticsearch-es-http:9200/customer/_freeze&pretty"
  5. Add the following additional action:

    curl -X PUT -u "elastic:<password>" -k "https://elasticsearch-es-http:9200/all/_flush&pretty"
  6. Add the following additional action:

    curl -X PUT -u "elastic:<password>" -k "https://elasticsearch-es-http:9200/_snapshot/es_backups/%3Csnapshot-$(uuidgen)-%7Bnow%2Fd%7D%3E?wait_for_completion=true&pretty"

    Select Elastic Pre Rule

Create a post-exec backup rule for Elasticsearch

Performing the _freeze and _flush operations on your index before calling the snapshot API ensures flexible and accurate restores by making sure the database isn't currently being written into.

Since you performed a _freezeoperation when you created a backup, you must create a post exec rule to perform _unfreeze operation. The steps below create a post-exec rule which runs _unfreeze on the customer index:

  1. Navigate to SettingsRulesAdd New.

  2. Add a name for your Rule.

  3. Add the following app label:

  4. Add the following action:

    curl -X POST -u "elastic:<password>" -k "https://elasticsearch-es-http:9200/customer/_unfreeze&pretty"

    Select Elastic Post Rule


If you deployed Elastic Stack using the elastic operator, ensure that you installed the crds and the required operator for elastic stack on the destination cluster as well. Also, when you backup and restore, ensure that you backup elastic operator along with the elastic namespace.

Elastic namespace

Associate the pre and post-exec rules with the Elasticsearch backup

Create a backup for your Elasticsearch application. Select the rules you created in the steps above from the pre-exec and post-exec dropdowns:

Select elastic rules

Once you have populated all the fields of Create Backup, window, click Create.


If your Elasticsearch version is 7.8 and above, pre-exec or post-exec rules are not required to create a backup of your application data. You can simply back up your data without associating any exec rules.


Watch this short demo of the above information.