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Version: 3.1

Enable CSI in OCP bare metal


Before you install and use Portworx with CSI, ensure you meet the prerequisistes:

  • OpenShift users must use OpenShift 4.12 or higher


The Portworx CSI Driver requires additional components called CSI Sidecars in order to function properly. To make sure these components and their dependencies are installed on your cluster, follow the instructions below.

Portworx CSI installed by default

Starting with the Portworx Operator, CSI is enabled by default for new Portworx installations. Due to the nature of CSI and its dependencies, it is highly recommend using the Portworx Operator for installation.

The Portworx Operator easily manages all CSI components based on your OpenShift and Portworx versions. This makes upgrading OpenShift and Portworx versions far easier.


Portworx by Pure Storage welcomes contributions to its CSI implementation, which is open-source with a repository located at OpenStorage. In addition, we also encourage contributions to the Kubernetes-CSI open source implementation.

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