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Version: 3.1

Storageless nodes with Portworx Enterprise in OCP on bare metal

Portworx Enterprise can be run in a client-only mode such that the storage available in a Portworx can be consumed by apps that are running on nodes that have no storage. This enables deployments to leverage the powerful Portworx Enterprise features from any node without having to rely on legacy protocols and adopt containerization faster.

Add a new storageless node to your Portworx cluster

Display the status of your Portworx cluster

pxctl status
Status: PX is operational
Node ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-c9d0eb597668
IP: X.X.X.185
Local Storage Pool: 1 pool
Pool IO_Priority Size Used Status Zone Region
0 LOW 100 GiB 1.0 GiB Online default default
Local Storage Devices: 1 device
Device Path Media Type Size Last-Scan
0:1 /dev/mapper/volume-a9e55549 STORAGE_MEDIUM_SSD 100 GiB08 Jan 17 23:15 UTC
total - 100 GiB
Cluster Summary
Cluster ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0242ac110002
Node IP: X.X.X.185 - Capacity: 1.0 GiB/100 GiB Online (This node)
Node IP: - Capacity: 1.2 GiB/100 GiB Online
Node IP: X.X.X.197 - Capacity: 2.0 GiB/320 GiB Online
Node IP: - Capacity: 1.2 GiB/100 GiB Online
Global Storage Pool
Total Used : 5.3 GiB
Total Capacity : 620 GiB

Add a new node to this cluster with no storage

As shown in the command below, a new node is added to the cluster by using the same cluster token which is formed by the cluster id of the existing cluster (which is xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0242ac110002 as shown above):

docker run --restart=always --name px-enterprise -d --net=host --privileged=true -v /run/docker/plugins:/run/docker/plugins \
-v /var/lib/osd:/var/lib/osd:shared -v /dev:/dev -v /etc/pwx:/etc/pwx -v /opt/pwx/bin:/export_bin:shared \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /mnt:/mnt:shared -v /var/cores:/var/cores -v /usr/src:/usr/src \
portworx/px-enterprise -m team0:0 -d team0 -z

The -z option in the command above starts this node as a zero storage node.


If you already have config.json in /etc/pwx/, the config.json settings will take precedence over the -z option. If your deployment or automation scripts place the file on every node, make sure to remove it in order for -z option to take effect.

Display the cluster node list

pxctl cluster list
Cluster ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0242ac110002
Status: OK

Nodes in the cluster:
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-c9d0eb597668 X.X.X.185 0.625782 8.4 GB 8.0 GB N/A 1.1.3-b33d4fa Online
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-d3478c485a61 0.625 8.4 GB 8.0 GB N/A 1.1.3-b33d4fa Online
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-a74ee09030e3 X.X.X.55 16.20603 8.4 GB 8.0 GB N/A 1.1.3-b33d4fa Online
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-3e2b01cd0bc3 X.X.X.197 0.375469 8.4 GB 7.9 GB N/A 1.1.3-b33d4fa Online
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-dd5084dce208 0.749064 8.4 GB 8.0 GB N/A 1.1.3-b33d4fa Online

Check node and cluster status

The status below shows that the new node (X.X.X.55) is the zero storage node that has been added to the cluster

pxctl status
Status: PX is operational
Node ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-a74ee09030e3
IP: X.X.X.55
Local Storage Pool: 0 pool
Pool IO_Priority Size Used Status Zone Region
No storage pool
Local Storage Devices: 0 device
Device Path Media Type Size Last-Scan
No storage device
total - 0 B
Cluster Summary
Cluster ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0242ac110002
Node IP: X.X.X.55 - Capacity: 0 B/0 B Online (This node)
Node IP: X.X.X.197 - Capacity: 2.0 GiB/320 GiB Online
Node IP: - Capacity: 1.2 GiB/100 GiB Online
Node IP: X.X.X.185 - Capacity: 1.0 GiB/100 GiB Online
Node IP: - Capacity: 1.2 GiB/100 GiB Online
Global Storage Pool
Total Used : 5.3 GiB
Total Capacity : 620 GiB

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