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Version: 3.1

Features and Installation Options in ROSA

The Portworx CSI Driver has been verified on OpenShift The CSI Driver supports all existing Portworx features as well as most CSI features.

CSI-based Installation Options

Install WorkflowOpenShift

Core Features support

Volume LifecycleYes
Sharedv4 VolumesYes
Volume CloningYes
CSI SnapshottingYes
CSI Spec 1.6Yes
PX Security - Volume LifecycleYes
PX Security - SnapshottingYes
PX TopologyYes
CSI Raw BlockYes
Volume ResizingYes
Encryption - VaultYes
CSI TopologyNo; Portworx topology is recommended instead

OpenShift specific features

Volume Placement StrategiesYes
Auth Token SecretsYes
Generic Ephemeral VolumesYes
Encryption with OpenShift secretsYes
CSI Migration (Portworx in-tree -> CSI)In development

Portworx Backup & Stork

Portworx Backup supportYes
DR/Disaster RecoveryYes
Stork SnapshottingYes
Stork MigrationYes
Stork BackupYes

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