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Version: 24.09.02

Neo4j Community Edition

The integration of Neo4j Community Edition as a data service in PDS introduces powerful graph database capabilities, offering unique advantages for users. Neo4j Community Edition excels in managing and querying connected data, making it an ideal solution for applications that require complex relationship mappings, such as recommendation engines, fraud detection, and network analysis. By integrating Neo4j Community Edition, PDS enables you to harness advanced graph-based data models, uncover hidden patterns, and gain deeper insights from their data.


Neo4j Community Edition supports only cold backups, which means the database must be offline during the backup process. For more information, see the backup limitations section.

Access Neo4j browser via port-forwarding

Once you have set up port-forwarding on port 7474 on your cluster, you can use the Neo4j browser to interact with your Neo4j database deployed on the Kubernetes cluster.

To access the Neo4j browser, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:7474. This will direct you to the Neo4j browser interface, where you can execute Cypher queries, visualize data, and manage your database. Ensure that your port-forwarding session remains active to maintain the connection between your local machine and the cluster. This setup allows for efficient and secure database management and querying within the Neo4j browser, leveraging the capabilities provided by your Kubernetes deployment.

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