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Version: 3.2

Asynchronous disaster recovery in OCP IBM Cloud

In asynchronous disaster recovery setup, you can replicate OCP applications and their data between two OCP clusters. Here, a separate Portworx Enterprise cluster runs under each OCP cluster.

The following diagram shows an asynchronous DR setup involving two clusters that are geographically apart:

Detailed Aynsc setup

  • Application data and supported OCP resources are asynchronously replicated from a source to a destination cluster, which means there is a delay between data changes occurring on the source cluster and their replication to the destination cluster.
  • Incremental changes from OCP applications and Portworx data are continuously sent to the destination cluster.
  • In case the source cluster becomes unavailable, you can activate the applications in the destination cluster.

Cluster-wide operators are not migrated as part of a DR migration if they are not installed in the same namespace as the applications you want to migrate (for example, in OpenShift, the operator installation defaults to the openshift-operators namespace). As a result, after migration, you will not be able to scale up or down your applications on the destination cluster using storkctl.

Perform the following steps to set up asynchronous DR: