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Version: 3.2

Migrate with Stork in ROSA

Pairing with an EKS cluster requires the following additional steps because you also need to pass in your AWS credentials which will be used to generate the IAM token. ​

Create a Secret with your AWS credentials

On the source cluster, create a secret in <stork-deployment-namespace> namespace with your aws credentials file:

oc create secret generic --from-file=$HOME/.aws/credentials -n <stork-deployment-namespace> aws-creds

secret/aws-creds created

Pass the Secret to Stork

​ The credentials created in the previous step need to be provided to Stork. When deployed through Portworx Operator, add the following to the stork section of the StorageCluster spec:

enabled: true
- name: aws-creds
mountPath: /root/.aws/
readOnly: true
secretName: aws-creds