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Version: 3.1

Create and delete SchedulePolicy with storkctl

This topic explains how to create and delete a SchedulePolicy using the storkctl command-line tool.

How to use the storkctl command?

To create a SchedulePolicy using storkctl, you can use the create schedulepolicy or create sp command with specific flags to define the schedule details.


In the storkctl create command, default values will be applied to all optional parameters in case you do not provide input. Additionally, validations are implemented that will generate relevant error messages in the event of invalid or incorrect inputs to the command.

Create an interval-based schedule policy

Run the following command to create a schedule policy with an interval-based recurrence. The specified operation associated with this schedule policy will be executed at regular intervals, and the interval duration is determined by the value provided with the -i flag:

storkctl create schedulepolicy <policy-name> \
-t Interval \
-i <interval-in-minutes> \
—-retain <number-of-backups-to-retain>


storkctl create schedulepolicy testpolicy -t Interval -i 1
kind: SchedulePolicy
name: testpolicy
daily: null
intervalMinutes: 1
options: null
retain: 10
monthly: null
weekly: null

Create a daily schedule policy

Run the following command to create a schedule policy with a daily recurrence. The specified operation or task associated with this schedule policy will be executed at a particular time every day:

storkctl create schedulepolicy <policy-name> \
-t Daily --time <exact-time> \
—-retain <number-of-backups-to-retain> \
--force-full-snapshot-day <day-to-trigger-full-backup>


storkctl create schedulepolicy testpolicy -t Daily --time 10:14PM
kind: SchedulePolicy
name: testpolicy
forceFullSnapshotDay: monday
options: null
retain: 30
time: 10:14PM
interval: null
monthly: null
weekly: null

Create a weekly schedule policy

Run the following command to create a schedule policy with a weekly recurrence. The specified operation or task associated with this schedule policy will be executed at a particular time on a specific day of each week:

storkctl create schedulepolicy <policy-name> \
-t Weekly \
--day-of-week <day> \
--time <exact-time> \
—-retain <number-of-backups-to-retain>


storkctl create schedulepolicy testpolicy -t Weekly --day-of-week Thursday --time 10:13PM
kind: SchedulePolicy
name: testpolicy
daily: null
interval: null
monthly: null
day: thursday
options: null
retain: 7
time: 10:13PM

Create a monthly schedule policy

Run the following command to create a schedule policy with a monthly recurrence. The specified operation or task associated with this schedule policy will be executed at a particular time and on a specific date of each month:

storkctl create schedulepolicy <policy-name> \
-t Monthly \
--time <exact-time> \
--date-of-month <date> \
—-retain <number-of-backups-to-retain>


storkctl create schedulepolicy testpolicy -t Monthly --time 8:05PM --date-of-month 14
kind: SchedulePolicy
name: testpolicy
daily: null
interval: null
date: 14
options: null
retain: 12
time: 8:05PM
weekly: null

Create schedulepolicy command flags

You can include one or more of the following flags when using the storkctl create schedulepolicy command based on your specific requirements:


During migration, you can disregard concerns related to the retain and force-full-snapshot-day flags. These flags are primarily used in backup operations that involve scheduling.

FlagDescriptionTypeDefault value
--date-of-monthSpecify the date of the month when Stork should trigger the operation.int1
--day-of-weekSpecify the day of the week when Stork should trigger the operation. You can use both the abbreviated or the full name of the day of the week.stringSunday
--force-full-snapshot-dayFor daily scheduled backup operations, specify on which day to trigger a full backup.stringMonday
-h, --helpHelp for schedule policy
-i, --interval-minutesSpecify the interval, in minutes, after which Stork should trigger the operation.int30
-t, --policy-typeSelect Type of schedule policy to apply. Interval / Daily / Weekly / Monthly.stringInterval
retainSpecify how many backups triggered as part of this schedule should be retained.intEach schedule policy type has its own default value for this flag:
  • interval-based: 10
  • daily: 30
  • weekly: 7
  • monthly: 12
--timeSpecify the time of the day in the 12 hour AM/PM format, when Stork should trigger the operation.string12:00AM

Delete SchedulePolicy

You can delete a schedule policy using the following command:

storkctl delete schedulepolicy <policy-name>


storkctl delete schedulepolicy mypolicy

This command examines whether the schedule policy named mypolicy is being used by any other resources, specifically by checking for dependencies with resources like Migration Schedules, Application Backup Schedules, or Volume Snapshot Schedules. If the schedule policy is currently in use by any of the mentioned resources, the deletion process is halted, and an appropriate error message is displayed. The error message also lists all the resources it is being used by, so that you can delete those resources:

error: cannot delete the schedule policy mypolicy.
The resource is linked to -> Migration Schedules : default/mypolicy

where, default is the namespace and mypolicy is the resource name (MigrationSchedule here).