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Version: 3.1

Uninstall Portworx on VMware Tanzu

To begin uninstalling Portworx from VMware Tanzu, follow the steps in the Portworx uninstall section:

Uninstall Portworx using the Operator


Perform these steps from a machine which has kubectl access to your cluster.

Once you've completed the uninstall steps, return to this document and wipe the Portworx drives.

Wipe Portworx drives

When installed on Tanzu, Portworx uses PVCs as the cloud drives. To wipe Portworx completely and detach drives from node, you must delete the following objects:

  • VolumeAttachments
  • PVC
  • PV

Delete VolumeAttachments

  1. Find the VolumeAtachments by running the following kubectl get command:

    kubectl get volumeattachment -n <px-namespace> | grep -v NAME | grep va-pvc
  2. Once you've identified the VolumeAttachements, Delete them by running the following kubectl delete command:

    kubectl delete volumeattachment <volumeattachment_name>

    Wait for Kubernetes to complete the VolumeAttachment deletion and avoid force deleting it. If you force delete the VolumeAttachment, the csi-attacher will be unable to detach volumes properly, and physical drives will remain attached to nodes.


    If the node is no longer physically present in the cluster, the csi-attacher service will not be remove the volume attachments. If this occurs, remove the finalizer first, then delete the VolumeAttachment:

    kubectl patch volumeattachment  <volumeattachment_name> -n <px-namespace> -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers": []}}' --type=merge && kubectl delete volumeattachment <volumeattachment_name>

Delete PVCs

Once the VolumeAttachment is deleted, you're ready to delete the PVCs:

  1. Identify the PVCs:

    kubectl get pvc -n <px-namespace> | grep -v NAME | grep px-do-not-delete
  2. Delete the PVCs:

     kubectl delete pvc <pvc_name> -n <px-namespace>

Once deleted, PVCs should also remove any associated PVs. You may wish to confirm this manually.