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Version: 2.8

Enable Portworx Backup

If you installed Portworx Backup using Helm, you can use Helm to enable it as well.


You must have Portworx Backup with a Helm-based install.


To enable Portworx Backup using Helm:

  1. Update your Helm repository.

    helm repo update
  2. Retrieve all custom values you used during install. Generate a YAML file, replacing the values of the <namespace> and <release-name> parameters to match your environment.

    helm get values --namespace <namespace> <release-name> -o yaml > values.yaml
    defaultPassword: examplePassword
    defaultUsername: exampleUser
    operatorToChartUpgrade: true
    enabled: true
    storageClassName: px-sc
    orgName: exampleOrg
    pxcentralDBPassword: exampleDbPassword

    Note the following about this example output:

    • The persistentStorage.storageClassName field displays the name of your storage class (px-sc).
    • The persistentStorage.enabled: true field indicates that persistent storage is enabled.
    • The pxbackup.orgName field displays the name of your organization (my-organization).
  3. Delete the post install hook job.

    kubectl delete job pxcentral-post-install-hook --namespace <namespace>
  4. Run the helm upgrade command to enable Portworx Backup, using the -f flag to pass the custom values.yaml file you generated above and replacing <namespace> with your namespace.

    helm upgrade <release-name> <repo-name>/px-central --namespace <namespace> -f values.yaml --set pxbackup.enabled=true

    Replacing the following parameters:

    • <release-name>: the Portworx Backup release to enable
    • <repo-name>: the Portworx Enterprise repository name
    • <namespace>: the namespace matching your environment

To upgrade Portworx Backup from the prior versions to 2.8.3, refer to the Upgrade Portworx Backup topic.