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Version: 3.2

Upgrade Portworx on FlashArray using Helm

This page provides instructions on how to upgrade Portworx using Helm.


Upgrading from previous Portworx Helm chart version to 4.0.0 is not supported.


Upgrade Portworx

By default, Portworx is installed in the kube-system namespace. If you have installed it in a different namespace, use the -n <namespace> flag. In this example, we will upgrade Portworx that was installed in the portworx namespace.

  1. Download the latest Portworx Helm chart version from the portworx/helm repository to your local repository:

    helm repo update
    Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
    ...Successfully got an update from the "portworx" chart repository
    Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
  2. If you have installed Portworx with custom configuration and need to change any configuration parameters, update your px_install_values.yaml file. This file contains your current configuration.


    Ensure that you review the configuration values for the new version to align with any changes in the latest release.

  3. Upgrade Portworx using the following command:

    helm upgrade <px-release> portworx/portworx -n <portworx> -f px_install_values.yaml
    Release "px-release" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: px-release
    LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Sep 26 06:51:46 2024
    NAMESPACE: portworx
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
    Your Release is named "px-release"
    Portworx Pods should be running on each node in your cluster.

    Portworx would create a unified pool of the disks attached to your Kubernetes nodes.
    No further action should be required and you are ready to consume Portworx Volumes as part of your application data requirements.
  4. Verify the Helm release values to ensure they reflect the updated configuration:

    helm get values <px-release> -n <portworx>

    You should see all the custom configurations passed using the px_install_values.yaml file.