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Version: 3.1

Switch to pay-as-you-go billing on an existing Kubernetes cluster

If you have already set up your cluster using any of the paid, trial, or free Portworx licenses, you can switch to pay-as-you-go billing by acquiring a pay-as-you-go SaaS key from the Pure Storage support team and performing the following steps.


For enabling pay-as-you-go billing on your air-gapped cluster, refer to this page.


  • A pay-as-you-go SaaS key, acquired by contacting the Pure Storage support team.
  • HTTPS port to open: 443
  • Host for activating the SaaS key:

Run the dig +noall +answer command to check if the host is reachable or not.

Alternatively, you can run the following command:

$ curl                                                       
{"message":"no Route matched with those values"}

Enable pay-as-you-go billing

The examples below use the portworx namespace, you should update this to the correct namespace for your environment.

Run the following command on one of the node to activate your SaaS key:

pxctl license activate saas --key <SAAS_KEY>

If you already have a Portworx cluster and run the above command, your PAYG (pay-as-you-go) license will be activated. You can then follow the verifying steps to check if your SaaS key is activated. However, if you are installing a new Portworx cluster, you should follow the procedure in this section to activate your SaaS key before installing Portworx.

Create a Kubernetes secret

Run the following command to a Kubernetes secrect and place your pay-as-you-go SaaS key into it:

kubectl create secret generic px-saas \
--from-literal=saas-key=<SAAS_KEY> -n portworx

Update your StorageCluster spec

Patch the pay-as-you-go secret into your cluster. Follow the steps appropriate for your cluster's install method:

  1. Patch the STC using the secret you created in step 1:

    kubectl patch stc $stc --type='json' \
    -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/env/0","value": {"name": "SAAS_ACCOUNT_KEY_STRING", "valueFrom":{"secretKeyRef":{"name": "px-saas", "key": "saas-key"}}}}]' -n portworx

    The above step patches your StorageCluster stc and appends the following under the env: parameter. This will enable pay-as-you-go billing on your cluster.

    name: px-saas
    key: saas-key
  2. Wait for a few minutes and then verify if the automatic rolling upgrade is successful by running the following command. You will observe that the new pods have been created recently with new px-cluster-<id>. You can also see the latest timestamp under AGE, as shown in the following example:

    kubectl get pods -n portworx -l name=portworx
    NAME                                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    px-cluster-60403120-fdec-470b-af4e-ef93c42d8aeb-b66td 2/2 Running 0 6m56s
    px-cluster-60403120-fdec-470b-af4e-ef93c42d8aeb-fqdgj 2/2 Running 0 5m16s
    px-cluster-60403120-fdec-470b-af4e-ef93c42d8aeb-t8ldc 2/2 Running 0 9m

Verify if your SaaS key activated

  1. Check your SaaS key license usage by running pxctl status from one of the worker nodes:

    pxctl status
    Status: PX is operational
    Telemetry: Disabled or Unhealthy
    Metering: Healthy
    License: PX-Enterprise Usage Based (expires in 209 days)

  2. To see more detailed information about your license run pxctl license list

    pxctl license list
           DESCRIPTION                                             ENABLEMENT                      ADDITIONAL INFO
    Number of nodes maximum 1000
    Number of volumes per cluster maximum 16384
    Volume capacity [TB] maximum 40
    Node disk capacity [TB] maximum 256
    Node disk capacity extension yes
    Number of snapshots per volume maximum 64
    Number of attached volumes per node maximum 256
    Storage aggregation yes
    Shared volumes yes
    Volume sets yes
    BYOK data encryption yes
    Limit BYOK encryption to cluster-wide secrets no
    Resize volumes on demand yes
    Snapshot to object store [CloudSnap] yes
    Number of CloudSnaps daily per volume maximum unlim
    Cluster-level migration [Kube-motion/Data Migration] yes
    Disaster Recovery [PX-DR] yes
    Autopilot Capacity Management yes
    OIDC Security yes
    Bare-metal hosts yes
    Virtual machine hosts yes
    Product SKU PX-Enterprise Usage Based expires in 209 days

    LICENSE EXPIRES: 2023-06-01 23:59:59 +0000 UTC
    For information on purchase, upgrades and support, see

How to apply a new pay-as-you-go key secret

If you need to update your pay-as-you-go key secret, you can export the secret object to a YAML file, apply the secret, and then perform a rolling update by adding a dummy env variable to your StorageCluster stc:

  1. Export the YAML file:

    kubectl get secret/px-saas -n portworx -o yaml > px-saas.yaml
  2. After editing the file with your new pay-as-you-go key secret, run the kubectl apply command:

     kubectl apply -f px-saas.yaml
  3. Get your px-cluster ID using pxctl status, and run the following command to trigger the Portworx pod rolling update:

    kubectl patch stc <px-cluster-ID> -n portworx --type "json" -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/env/-","value":{"name":"DUMMYENV","value":"date"}}]'
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