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Version: 3.2

IBM key management services

Portworx integrates with IBM Key Protect and Hyper Protect Crypto Services (HPCS) to store your encryption keys/secrets and credentials. This guide helps you configure Portworx with IBM Key Protect or HPCS. IBM Key Protect and HPCS can be used to store Portworx secrets for Volume Encryption and Cloud Credentials.


IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services with Unified Key Orchestrator is not supported.

Portworx requires the following IBM Key Protect or HPCS credentials to use its APIs:

  • Service Instance ID [IBM_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID]

    The Instance ID of the IBM Key Protect or HPCS service can be found by running the following command

    ibmcloud resource service-instance <name-of-your-service>

    This should output something like. The ID from the below CRN is 0647c737-906d-blah-8a68-2c187e11b29b


    Follow this IBM document to retrieve the API Key.

  • Customer Root Key [IBM_CUSTOMER_ROOT_KEY]

    Follow this IBM document to create a Customer Root Key


    The base URL specifies the URL where your Key Protect or HPCS instance resides. It is region specific.
    The default value is:

    • If you are using IBM HPCS, take the key management endpoint URL from the overview page of your HPCS service on IBM Cloud.
    • The base URL is mandatory if Portworx is running on an IBM (IKS or ROKS) air-gapped cluster. To get the Key Protect endpoint URL for your region, refer to the IBM Key Protect documentation. For example, the IBM_BASE_URL for the us-south region is

    Default value which will be used is:


    The token URL is mandatory if Portworx is running on an IBM (IKS or ROKS) air-gapped cluster. To get the IAM service private endpoint URL for your region, refer to the IBM Cloud API documentation. For example, the IBM_TOKEN_URL for the us-south region is

Based on your installation type use the following methods to provide these credentials to Portworx.

For Kubernetes-based environments

This section is applicable for users running their cluster on IKS or ROKS.

Step 1: Provide IBM key management credentials to Portworx

Create a Kubernetes secret named px-ibm in the portworx namespace using the command below. For more details how Portwox is integrated with IBM Key protect, see IBM documentation.

kubectl create secret generic -n portworx px-ibm \

Step 2: Set up IBM key management as the secret provider for Portworx.

Depending upon your requirements, proceed to one of the following sections.

New installation

Using helm chart

While deploying Portworx using helm chart on an IKS cluster, by default Portworx is configured to use IBM Key Protect and HPCS as a secrets provider. Follow these instructions to install the helm chart.


Use the ibm-kp secretType for both IBM Key Protect and HPCS.

Using the Portworx spec generator

When generating the Portworx Kubernetes spec file on the Portworx spec generator page in Portworx Central, select IBM Key Protect from the "Secrets type" list.

Existing installation

For an existing Portworx cluster follow these steps to configure IBM Key Protect or HPCS as the secrets provider

Step 2a: Add Permissions to access kubernetes secrets

Portworx needs permissions to access the px-ibm secret created in Step 1. The following Kubernetes spec grants portworx access to all the secrets defined under the portworx namespace

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
# Namespace to store credentials
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: portworx
# Role to access secrets under portworx namespace only
kind: Role
name: px-role
namespace: portworx
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["secrets"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "create", "update", "patch"]
# Allow portworx service account to access the secrets under the portworx namespace
kind: RoleBinding
name: px-role-binding
namespace: portworx
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: px-account
namespace: portworx
kind: Role
name: px-role
Step 2b: Edit the Portworx spec
  1. Get the name of the StorageCluster running in your IBM cluster:
kubectl get storagecluster  -A
portworx px-ocpkptest xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-65502f548d97 Online 2.12.1 5h49m
  1. Run the following command to edit the above StorageClsuter, then set the secretsProvider field of the spec section to ibm-kp:
kubectl edit storageCluster px-ocpkptest -n portworx
  1. Once the StorageClsuter spec is edited, all manually restart Portworx pods to use IBM Key Protect or HPCS.

Non-Kubernetes based environments

Step 1: Provide IBM key management services credentials to Portworx.

Provide the following IBM credentials (key value pairs) as environment variables to Portworx

  • [Required] IBM_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID=[service_instance_id]
  • [Required] IBM_SERVICE_API_KEY=[service_api_key]
  • [Required] IBM_CUSTOMER_ROOT_KEY=[customer_root_key]
  • [Optional] IBM_BASE_URL=[base_url] → only required if the instance is in a different region
  • [Optional] IBM_TOKEN_URL=[token_url] → only required if the different than the default token url

Step 2: Set up IBM key management services as the secrets provider for Portworx.

New installation

While installing Portworx set the input argument -secret_type to ibm-kp.

Existing installation

Based on your installation method provide the -secret_type ibm-kp input argument and restart Portworx on all the nodes.

Using IBM key management services with Portworx