Upgrade Portworx using AWS Marketplace
Upgrade or reconfigure Portworx
When Portworx releases new versions, you can upgrade it through Helm. You can also reconfigure Portworx through Helm by peforming upgrade operations, even if there is no new version to upgrade to. Perform the following steps to upgrade or reconfigure Portworx:
Upgrade the Helm repository to make sure you have the latest version of the Helm chart by running the following
command:helm repo update
Upgrade or reconfigure Portworx by running the
command and specifying the same options you used when you installed Portworx, or new options if you want to reconfigure Portworx. For Example:helm upgrade my-release portworx/portworx --set storage.drives="type=gp2\,size=1000" --set serviceAccount="portworx-aws"