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Version: 3.1

Uninstall Portworx from a Kubernetes cluster using the DaemonSet

If you installed Portworx using the DaemonSet method, you can follow the steps in this article to uninstall it from your cluster. When uninstalling, you have 2 choices:

  1. Stop Portworx and remove the Kubernetes specs and completely wipe the data. If this is what you want, continue to Delete/Wipe Portworx.
  2. Stop Portworx and remove the Kubernetes specs without wiping the data. If this is what you want, continue to Uninstall.

Delete/Wipe Portworx cluster configuration


The commands used in this section are disruptive and will lead to loss of all your data volumes. Proceed with caution.


Airgapped clusters: If your nodes are airgapped and don’t have access to common internet registries, use Wipe Portworx in an airgapped cluster instead.

You can use the following command to wipe your entire Portworx cluster:

curl -fsL "" | bash

Above command will run a Kubernetes Job that will perform following operations:

  • Detect the key value store that was being used for Portworx from the DaemonSet spec and wipe the Portworx cluster metadata from it.
  • Remove Portworx systemd files from all nodes.
  • Removes directories /etc/pwx and /opt/pwx from all nodes.
  • Removes Portworx fingerprint data from all the storage devices used by Portworx. It also removes all the volume data from the storage devices.
  • Delete all Portworx Kubernetes spec objects.

Before running the above wipe job, ensure that the Portworx spec is applied on your cluster.


If you are wiping off the cluster to re-use the nodes for installing a brand new Portworx cluster, make sure you use a different ClusterID in the DaemonSet spec file (ie. -c myUpdatedClusterID).



Uninstalling or deleting the Portworx daemonset only removes the Portworx containers from the nodes. As the configurations files which Portworx use are persisted on the nodes the storage devices and the data volumes are still intact. These Portworx volumes can be used again if the Portworx containers are started with the same configuration files.

You can uninstall Portworx from the cluster using the following steps:

  1. Remove the Portworx systemd service and terminate pods by labelling nodes as below. On each node, Portworx monitors this label and will start removing itself when the label is applied.

    kubectl label nodes --all px/enabled=remove --overwrite
  2. Monitor the Portworx pods until all of them are terminated

    kubectl get pods -o wide -n <px-namespace> -l name=portworx
  3. Remove all Portworx Kubernetes Objects

     VER=$(kubectl version --short | awk -Fv '/Server Version: /{print $3}')
    kubectl delete -f "$VER"
  4. Remove the ‘px/enabled’ label from your nodes

    kubectl label nodes --all px/enabled-

During uninstall, the Portworx configuration files under /etc/pwx/ directory are preserved, and will not be deleted.