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Version: 3.1

Migrate from DaemonSet to Operator on IBM Cloud

This page describes how to migrate your Portworx cluster on IBM Cloud from a DaemonSet installation to a Portworx Operator installation.


To migrate, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Kubernetes version 1.16 or newer
  • Portworx installed with one DaemonSet; the scenario of two or more DaemonSet installations on one Kubernetes cluster is not supported
  • Helm CLI installed on your client

Migrate to Operator

Portworx installation on IBM Cloud is managed through a Helm chart. In order to migrate your Portworx deployment from a DaemonSet installation to a Portworx Operator installation, follow the instructions in this section.

Upgrade your Portworx deployment using a Helm chart

  1. Add Portworx to your Helm repository:

    helm repo add portworx

  2. Update the Helm repository:

    helm repo update
  3. Fetch the latest Portworx installation parameters:

    helm get values portworx > /tmp/values.yaml
  4. Apply the following CRDs:

    kubectl apply -f ""
    kubectl apply -f ""
  5. Upgrade Portworx deployment on your IBM cluster:

    helm upgrade portworx portworx/portworx -f /tmp/values.yaml --debug
  6. Wait for the StorageCluster to be created. If you have Portworx DaemonSet installed, the Operator will automatically detect that on startup. The Operator will then create an equivalent StorageCluster object.

Initiate migration

  1. Approve the migration by running the following command:

    kubectl -n kube-system annotate storagecluster --all --overwrite'true'
  2. Verify the migration status by running the following command:

    kubectl -n kube-system describe storagecluster

    If the migration completes successfully, you will see the event Migration completed successfully. If the migration fails, there is a corresponding event about the failure.

(Optional) Edit your secrets namespace variable

If your Portworx installation uses IBM Key Protect or HPCS as a secret store, then Portworx cannot use the encryption keys stored there after migration. This is because the value of PX_SECRETS_NAMESPACE is set to kube-system in the migrated StorageCluster spec. To enable Portworx to use these encryption keys, change the value to portworx.

  1. In the kube-system namespace, modify the env field of your migrated StorageCluster spec:

    value: portworx
  2. Restart Portworx on all nodes:

    kubectl label nodes --all px/service=restart --overwrite
  3. Verify that Portworx can access IBM Key Protect:

    pxctl secrets ibm list-secrets
    Secret ID

    You will see the list of all encryption keys used by Portworx volumes.
