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Version: 3.1


In this section, you will use Docker containers running directly on EC2 instances. Running Cassandra on Docker is one of the most common use-cases of Portworx. Note that you can choose a different method of installing Cassandra, depending on your orchestration environment.

Set up the environment

  1. Create three Docker containers on three AWS r4.2xlarge machines with 60GB of RAM and 120GB of disk space available for Portworx.

  2. Create a three-node Portworx cluster. On each container, enter the following command, replacing the following values to match your environment:

  • The address of your etcd endpoint (this example uses etcd://

  • The cluster ID (this example uses PXCassTest001)

  • The list of storage devices your Portworx node should use (this example uses /dev/xvdb)

    docker run --restart=always --name px -d --net=host      \
    --privileged=true \
    -v /run/docker/plugins:/run/docker/plugins \
    -v /var/lib/osd:/var/lib/osd:shared \
    -v /dev:/dev \
    -v /etc/pwx:/etc/pwx \
    -v /opt/pwx/bin:/export_bin:shared \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v /var/cores:/var/cores \
    -v /usr/src:/usr/src \
    --ipc=host \
    portworx/px-enterprise -daemon -k etcd:// -c PXCassTest001 -s /dev/xvdb
  1. Create three Portworx volumes. Enter the following pxctl volume create command specifying the following:
  • The name of your volume (this example uses "CVOL-hostname")

  • The --size flag with the size of your disk (this example creates 60GB disks)

  • The --nodes flag as LocalNode

    pxctl volume create CVOL-`hostname` --size 60 --nodes LocalNode
  1. List your volumes:

    pxctl volume list
    ID                      NAME                    SIZE    HA      SHARED  ENCRYPTED       IO_PRIORITY     SCALE   STATUS
    999260470129557090 CVOL-ip-172-31-32-188 60 GiB 1 no no LOW 1 up - detached
    973892635505817385 CVOL-ip-172-31-45-219 60 GiB 1 no no LOW 1 up - detached
    446982770798983273 CVOL-ip-172-31-47-121 60 GiB 1 no no LOW 1 up - detached
  2. Create three Cassandra containers that are using the new Portworx volumes.


NOTE: Portworx uses port 7000, which is Cassandra's default data and storage port. To avoid a conflict, you must edit your cassandra.yaml file manually. This step is not required if you are running on Kubernetes or Mesosphere. :::

  1. On each node, set the following environment variables that are pointing to the IP addresses of your nodes:

  2. Use the docker run command to launch your Cassandra containers:

    • On the first node:
    docker run  --name cass-`hostname` -e CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS=`hostname -i`      \
    -p 17000:17000 -p 7001:7001 -p 9042:9042 -p 9160:9160 -p 7199:7199 \
    -v /etc/cassandra:/etc/cassandra \
    -v CVOL-`hostname`:/var/lib/cassandra \
    -d cassandra:latest
    • On the second node:
    docker run  --name cass-`hostname` -e CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS=`hostname -i`      \
    -p 17000:17000 -p 7001:7001 -p 9042:9042 -p 9160:9160 -p 7199:7199 \
    -v /etc/cassandra:/etc/cassandra \
    -v CVOL-`hostname`:/var/lib/cassandra \
    -d cassandra:latest
    • On the third node:
    docker run  --name cass-`hostname` -e CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS=`hostname -i`      \
    -p 17000:17000 -p 7001:7001 -p 9042:9042 -p 9160:9160 -p 7199:7199 \
    -v /etc/cassandra:/etc/cassandra \
    -v CVOL-`hostname`:/var/lib/cassandra \
    -d cassandra:latest
  3. Verify your installation. Use the following docker exec command to run the nodetool status command on one of your Cassandra containers, replacing the IP address of the Cassandra container to match your environment.

    docker exec -it cass-ip-<IP-ADDRESS> sh -c 'nodetool status'
      Datacenter: datacenter1
    |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
    -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
    UN 108.65 KiB 256 65.7% xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-3008b3550b69 rack1
    UN 84.33 KiB 256 66.0% xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-dae09ec2c616 rack1
    UN 108.29 KiB 256 68.3% xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-54f3274bfe84 rack1

Run the performance test

Simultaneously execute the cassandra-stress command on each node. The following example command performs a stress test that starts four threads and inserts 10.000 objects in the TestKEYSPACE keyspace:

  • On the first node

    docker exec -it cass-`hostname` cassandra-stress write n=10000                 \
    cl=quorum -mode native cql3 -rate threads=4 -schema keyspace="TestKEYSPACE01" \
    "replication(factor=2)" -pop seq=1..10000 -log file=~/Test_10Kwrite_001.log \
    -node ${NODE_1_IP},${NODE_2_IP},${NODE_3_IP}
        ******************** Stress Settings ********************
    Type: write
    Count: 10,000
    No Warmup: false
    Consistency Level: QUORUM
    Target Uncertainty: not applicable
    Key Size (bytes): 10
    Counter Increment Distibution: add=fixed(1)
    Auto: false
    Thread Count: 4
    OpsPer Sec: 0
    Sequence: 1..10000
    Order: ARBITRARY
    Wrap: true
    Revisits: Uniform: min=1,max=1000000
    Visits: Fixed: key=1
    Row Population Ratio: Ratio: divisor=1.000000;delegate=Fixed: key=1
    Batch Type: not batching
    Max Columns Per Key: 5
    Column Names: [C0, C1, C2, C3, C4]
    Comparator: AsciiType
    Timestamp: null
    Variable Column Count: false
    Slice: false
    Size Distribution: Fixed: key=34
    Count Distribution: Fixed: key=5
    Ignore: false
    Tries: 10
    No Summary: false
    No Settings: false
    File: /root/Test_10Kwrite_001.log
    Interval Millis: 1000
    Level: NORMAL
    Connection Style: CQL_PREPARED
    CQL Version: CQL3
    Protocol Version: V4
    Username: null
    Password: null
    Auth Provide Class: null
    Max Pending Per Connection: 128
    Connections Per Host: 8
    Compression: NONE
    Nodes: [,,]
    Is White List: false
    Datacenter: null
    Keyspace: TestKEYSPACE
    Replication Strategy: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy
    Replication Strategy Pptions: {replication_factor=2}
    Table Compression: null
    Table Compaction Strategy: null
    Table Compaction Strategy Options: {}
    factory=org.apache.cassandra.thrift.TFramedTransportFactory; truststore=null; truststore-password=null; keystore=null; keystore-password=null; ssl-protocol=TLS; ssl-alg=SunX509; store-type=JKS; ssl-ciphers=TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA;
    Native Port: 9042
    Thrift Port: 9160
    JMX Port: 7199
    Send To Daemon:
    *not set*
    File: null
    Revision: unknown
    Title: null
    Operation: WRITE
    Wrap: false
    Split Factor: 1

    Connected to cluster: Test Cluster, max pending requests per connection 128, max connections per host 8
    Datatacenter: datacenter1; Host: /; Rack: rack1
    Datatacenter: datacenter1; Host: /; Rack: rack1
    Datatacenter: datacenter1; Host: /; Rack: rack1
    Created keyspaces. Sleeping 3s for propagation.
    Sleeping 2s...
    Warming up WRITE with 7500 iterations...
    Failed to connect over JMX; not collecting these stats
    Running WRITE with 4 threads for 10000 iteration
    Failed to connect over JMX; not collecting these stats
    type total ops, op/s, pk/s, row/s, mean, med, .95, .99, .999, max, time, stderr, errors, gc: #, max ms, sum ms, sdv ms, mb
    total, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1.8, 1.2, 4.9, 11.0, 17.0, 21.7, 1.0, 0.00000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    total, 4324, 3021, 3021, 3021, 1.3, 1.1, 2.3, 6.1, 12.8, 14.9, 2.0, 0.27888, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    total, 7819, 3495, 3495, 3495, 1.1, 1.1, 1.3, 2.0, 11.0, 16.7, 3.0, 0.20770, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    total, 10000, 2692, 2692, 2692, 1.5, 1.1, 3.3, 9.2, 12.1, 13.5, 3.8, 0.15468, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

    Op rate : 2,624 op/s [WRITE: 2,624 op/s]
    Partition rate : 2,624 pk/s [WRITE: 2,624 pk/s]
    Row rate : 2,624 row/s [WRITE: 2,624 row/s]
    Latency mean : 1.3 ms [WRITE: 1.3 ms]
    Latency median : 1.1 ms [WRITE: 1.1 ms]
    Latency 95th percentile : 2.2 ms [WRITE: 2.2 ms]
    Latency 99th percentile : 7.5 ms [WRITE: 7.5 ms]
    Latency 99.9th percentile : 12.9 ms [WRITE: 12.9 ms]
    Latency max : 21.7 ms [WRITE: 21.7 ms]
    Total partitions : 10,000 [WRITE: 10,000]
    Total errors : 0 [WRITE: 0]
    Total GC count : 0
    Total GC memory : 0.000 KiB
    Total GC time : 0.0 seconds
    Avg GC time : NaN ms
    StdDev GC time : 0.0 ms
    Total operation time : 00:00:03

    • On the second node:
    docker exec -it cass-`hostname` cassandra-stress write n=10000                  \
    cl=quorum -mode native cql3 -rate threads=4 -schema keyspace="TestKEYSPACE01" \
    "replication(factor=2)" -pop seq=10001..20000 -log file=~/Test_10Kwrite_002.log \
    -node ${NODE_1_IP},${NODE_2_IP},${NODE_3_IP}
    • On the third node:
    docker exec -it cass-`hostname` cassandra-stress write n=10000                   \
    cl=quorum -mode native cql3 -rate threads\>=72 -schema keyspace="TestKEYSPACE01" \
    "replication(factor=2)" -pop seq=20001..30000 -log file=~/Test_10Kwrite_003.log \
    -node ${NODE_1_IP},${NODE_2_IP},${NODE_3_IP}