2.7.4 Helm chart
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Portworx Backup Helm chart and their default values.
Portworx Backup parameters
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
images | Portworx Backup deployment images | "" |
pxbackup.enabled | Enabled Portworx Backup | false |
pxbackup.orgName | Portworx Backup organization name | default |
pxbackup.mongoMigration | Flag for mongo migration while upgrading Portworx Backup from 1.2.x to 2.x.x | complete |
persistentStorage.mongodbVolumeSize | MongoDB volume size | "64Gi" |
persistentStorage.mongoCacheSize | MongoDB cache size in GB | "4" |
persistentStorage.preUpgradeHookVolumeSize | Pre-upgrade hook volume size | "64Gi" |
images.preUpgradeHookImage.registry | Portworx Backup pre-upgrade hook image registry | docker.io |
images.preUpgradeHookImage.repo | Portworx Backup pre-upgrade hook image repo | portworx |
images.preUpgradeHookImage.imageName | Portworx Backup pre-upgrade hook image name | pxcentral-onprem-pre-upgrade-base |
images.preUpgradeHookImage.tag | Portworx Backup pre-upgrade hook image tag | 2.7.4 |
service.pxBackupUIServiceType | Service type of Portworx Backup UI | "LoadBalancer" |
service.pxBackupUIServiceAnnotations | Annotations for the Portworx Backup UI service | "{}" |
images.pxBackupImage.registry | Portworx Backup image registry | docker.io |
images.pxBackupImage.repo | Portworx Backup image repo | portworx |
images.pxBackupImage.imageName | Portworx Backup image name | px-backup |
images.pxBackupImage.tag | Portworx Backup image tag | 2.7.4 |
images.mongodbImage.registry | Portworx Backup mongodb image registry | docker.io |
images.mongodbImage.repo | Portworx Backup mongodb image repo | portworx |
images.mongodbImage.imageName | Portworx Backup mongodb image name | mongodb |
images.mongodbImage.tag | Portworx Backup mongodb image tag | 7.0.14-debian-12-r0 |
images.mongodbImageMap.registry | Portworx Backup mongodb version map image registry | docker.io |
images.mongodbImageMap.repo | Portworx Backup mongodb version map image repo | portworx |
images.mongodbImageMap.imageName | Portworx Backup mongodb version map image name | mongodb |
images.mongodbImageMap.tags.mongodb5 | Portworx Backup mongodb version 5.x image tag | 5.0.24-debian-11-r20 |
images.mongodbImageMap.tags.mongodb6 | Portworx Backup mongodb version 6.x image tag | 6.0.13-debian-11-r21 |
images.mongodbImageMap.tags.mongodb7 | Portworx Backup mongodb version 7.x image tag | 7.0.14-debian-12-r0 |
images.pxBackupPrometheusImage.tag | Portworx Backup Prometheus Image | v2.48.0 |
images.pxBackupAlertmanagerImage.tag | Portworx Backup Alert Manager Image | v0.26.0 |
images.pxBackupPrometheusOperatorImage.tag | Portworx Backup Prometheus Operator Image | v0.70.0 |
images.pxBackupPrometheusConfigReloaderImage.tag | Portworx Backup Prometheus ConfigReloader Image | v0.70.0 |
persistentStorage.prometheus.storage | Prometheus volume size | 64Gi |
persistentStorage.prometheus.retentionSize | Prometheus volume retention size | 51200MB |
persistentStorage.alertManager.storage | Alertmanager volume retention size | 2Gi |
pxbackup.prometheus.replicas | Replicas of Prometheus instance | 2 |
pxbackup.prometheus.retention | Retention time for Prometheus | 90d |
pxbackup.alertmanager.replicas | Replicas of Alertmanager instance | 2 |
pxbackup.alertmanager.retention | Retention time for Alertmanager | 2208h |
External Prometheus Stack configurable parameters | ||
pxbackup.deployDedicatedMonitoringSystem | Deploy Portworx Backup monitoring stack | true |
pxbackup.prometheusEndpoint | Endpoint of existing prometheus required for Portworx Backup | "" |
pxbackup.alertmanagerEndpoint | Endpoint of existing alertmanager required for Portworx Backup | "" |
pxbackup.prometheusSecretName | Secret name of the kubernetes secret created to hold prometheus credentials | "" |
pxbackup.alertmanagerSecretName | Secret name of the kubernetes secret created to hold alertmanager credentials | "" |
pxbackup.usePxBackupEmailAlertTemplate | Use Portworx Backup's email template | true |
Portworx License Server parameters
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Portworx License Server chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
pxlicenseserver | Portworx license server deployment | `` |
pxlicenseserver.enabled | Portworx Central cluster enabled license server component | false |
pxlicenseserver.internal | Portworx Central cluster license server | `` |
pxlicenseserver.internal.enabled | Portworx Central cluster license server enabled | true |
pxlicenseserver.internal.lsTypeUAT | Portworx license server deployment type [UAT] | false |
pxlicenseserver.internal.lsTypeAirgapped | Portworx license server deployment type [Air-gapped] | false |
pxlicenseserver.external.enabled | External license server enabled | false |
pxlicenseserver.mainNodeIP | External license server main node endpoints | `` |
pxlicenseserver.backupNodeIP | External license server backup node endpoints | `` |
pxlicenseserver.adminUserName | Portworx license server admin username | admin |
pxlicenseserver.adminUserPassword | Portworx license server admin user password | Adm1n!Ur |
securityContext | Security context for the pod | {runAsUser: 1000, fsGroup: 1000, runAsNonRoot: true} |
images | Portworx license server images | `` |
images.licenseServerImage | License server images | `` |
images.licenseServerImage.registry | License server image registry | docker.io |
images.licenseServerImage.repo | License server image repo | portworx |
images.licenseServerImage.imageName | License server image name | px-els |
images.licenseServerImage.tag | License server image tag | 2.3.2 |
Portworx Central parameters
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
persistentStorage | Persistent storage for all px-central components | "" |
persistentStorage.enabled | Enable persistent storage | true |
persistentStorage.storageClassName | Provide storage class name which exists | "" |
persistentStorage.mysqlVolumeSize | MySQL volume size | "100Gi" |
persistentStorage.keycloakThemeVolumeSize | Keycloak frontend theme volume size | "5Gi" |
persistentStorage.keycloakBackendVolumeSize | Keycloak backend volume size | "10Gi" |
storkRequired | Scheduler name as stork | false |
nodeAffinityLabel | Label for node affinity for px-central components | "" |
podAntiAffinity | PodAntiAffinity will make sure pods are distributed | false |
pxcentralDBPassword | Portworx Central cluster store mysql database password | Password1 |
caCertsSecretName | Name of the Kubernetes Secret, which contains the CA Certificates. | "" |
oidc | Enable OIDC for Portworx Central and Portworx Backup for RBAC | "" |
oidc.centralOIDC | Portworx Central OIDC | "" |
oidc.centralOIDC.enabled | Portworx Central OIDC | true |
oidc.centralOIDC.defaultUsername | Portworx Central OIDC username | admin |
oidc.centralOIDC.defaultPassword | Portworx Central OIDC admin user password | admin |
oidc.centralOIDC.defaultEmail | Portworx Central OIDC admin user email | admin@portworx.com |
oidc.centralOIDC.keyCloakBackendUserName | Keycloak backend store username | keycloak |
oidc.centralOIDC.keyCloakBackendPassword | Keycloak backend store password | keycloak |
oidc.centralOIDC.clientId | PX-Central OIDC client id | pxcentral |
oidc.centralOIDC.updateAdminProfile | Enable/Disable admin profile update action | true |
oidc.externalOIDC | Enable external OIDC provider | "" |
oidc.externalOIDC.enabled | Enabled external OIDC provider | false |
oidc.externalOIDC.clientID | External OIDC client ID | "" |
oidc.externalOIDC.clientSecret | External OIDC client secret | "" |
oidc.externalOIDC.endpoint | External OIDC endpoint | "" |
securityContext | Security context for the pod | {runAsUser: 1000, fsGroup: 1000, runAsNonRoot: true} |
postInstallJob.sslEnabled | Kubernetes apis with ssl enabled in post-install-job pod | true |
service.pxCentralUIServiceType | Service type of PX-Central UI | "LoadBalancer" |
service.pxCentralUIServiceAnnotations | Annotations for PX-Central UI service | "{}" |
images.pullSecrets | Image pull secrets | docregistry-secret |
images.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | Always |
images.pxcentralApiServerImage.registry | API server image registry | docker.io |
images.pxcentralApiServerImage.repo | API server image repo | portworx |
images.pxcentralApiServerImage.imageName | API server image name | pxcentral-onprem-api |
images.pxcentralApiServerImage.tag | API server image tag | 2.7.4 |
images.pxcentralFrontendImage.registry | Portworx Central frontend image registry | docker.io |
images.pxcentralFrontendImage.repo | Portworx Central frontend image repo | portworx |
images.pxcentralFrontendImage.imageName | Portworx Central frontend image name | pxcentral-onprem-ui-frontend |
images.pxcentralFrontendImage.tag | Portworx Central frontend image tag | 2.7.4 |
images.pxcentralBackendImage.registry | Portworx Central backend image registry | docker.io |
images.pxcentralBackendImage.repo | Portworx Central backend image repo | portworx |
images.pxcentralBackendImage.imageName | Portworx Central backend image name | pxcentral-onprem-ui-backend |
images.pxcentralBackendImage.tag | Portworx Central backend image tag | 2.7.4 |
images.pxcentralMiddlewareImage.registry | Portworx Central middleware image registry | docker.io |
images.pxcentralMiddlewareImage.repo | Portworx Central middleware image repo | portworx |
images.pxcentralMiddlewareImage.imageName | Portworx Central middleware image name | pxcentral-onprem-ui-lhbackend |
images.pxcentralMiddlewareImage.tag | Portworx Central middleware image tag | 2.7.4 |
images.postInstallSetupImage.registry | Portworx Backup post install setup image registry | docker.io |
images.postInstallSetupImage.repo | Portworx Backup post install setup image repo | portworx |
images.postInstallSetupImage.imageName | Portworx Backup post install setup image name | pxcentral-onprem-post-setup |
images.postInstallSetupImage.tag | Portworx Backup post install setup image tag | 2.7.4 |
images.keycloakBackendImage.registry | Portworx Backup keycloak backend image registry | docker.io |
images.keycloakBackendImage.repo | Portworx Backup keycloak backend image repo | portworx |
images.keycloakBackendImage.imageName | Portworx Backup keycloak backend image name | postgresql |
images.keycloakBackendImage.tag | Portworx Backup keycloak backend image tag | 11.19.0-debian-11-r1 |
images.keycloakFrontendImage.registry | Portworx Backup keycloak frontend image registry | docker.io |
images.keycloakFrontendImage.repo | Portworx Backup keycloak frontend image repo | jboss |
images.keycloakFrontendImage.imageName | Portworx Backup keycloak frontend image name | keycloak |
images.keycloakFrontendImage.tag | Portworx Backup keycloak frontend image tag | 21.1.2 |
images.keycloakLoginThemeImage.registry | Portworx Backup keycloak login theme image registry | docker.io |
images.keycloakLoginThemeImage.repo | Portworx Backup keycloak login theme image repo | portworx |
images.keycloakLoginThemeImage.imageName | Portworx Backup keycloak login theme image name | keycloak-login-theme |
images.keycloakLoginThemeImage.tag | Portworx Backup keycloak login theme image tag | 2.7.0 |
images.keycloakInitContainerImage.registry | Portworx Backup keycloak init container image registry | docker.io |
images.keycloakInitContainerImage.repo | Portworx Backup keycloak init container image repo | library |
images.keycloakInitContainerImage.imageName | Portworx Backup keycloak init container image name | busybox |
images.keycloakInitContainerImage.tag | Portworx Backup keycloak init container image tag | 1.35.0 |
images.mysqlImage.registry | Portworx Central cluster store mysql image registry | docker.io |
images.mysqlImage.repo | Portworx Central cluster store mysql image repo | library |
images.mysqlImage.imageName | Portworx Central cluster store mysql image name | mysql |
images.mysqlImage.tag | Portworx Central cluster store mysql image tag | 8.0.37 |