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Version: 25.1.0

Manage FlashArray PVCs

On-premises users who want to use Pure Storage FlashArray with Portworx on Kubernetes can attach FlashArray as a Direct Access volume. Used in this way, Portworx directly provisions FlashArray volumes, maps them to a user PVC, and mounts them to pods. Once mounted, the application writes data directly onto FlashArray. As a result, this mounting method doesn’t use storage pools. FlashArray Direct Access volumes enable seamless storage integration for your applications.

FlashArray Direct Access volumes support the following CSI operations:

  • Basic filesystem operations: create, mount, expand, clone, unmount, delete
  • Mount options: Configure file system mount options
  • Snapshots: Create and manage snapshots of storage.
  • Quality of service (QoS) settings: Requires at least one FlashArray running Purity version 5.3.0 or newer with REST API version 1.17 or newer.

Refer to the sections below for detailed instructions on performing various Day 2 operations such as provisioning persistent volumes directly from FlashArray and making them available to application pods in a Kubernetes cluster: